here's your answer to why gay marriage is wrong...

opsayo said:
if you can find me a single gay marriage that can procreate i'll say youre right

i can find millions of heterosexual marriages that can

errr who are you talking to
marriage isnt just about procreation (unless you're christian, in which oyu need kids to continue the religion), its about 2 people who love eachother and want to spend their lives together. how hard is that to understand?
T w i z t i D said:

there are plenty of gay marriages that can and have "procreated"

which is to say they have children. REgardless, backwards thinking is nothing new to America, but people like Rafa can go down knowing that History will look upon them like the slave owners, the people against women's suffrage and equality, and the people behind the red scare, etc... which is to say they'll look like fucking shortsighted morons.

procreation doesn't mean adopting a kid dipshit
opsayo said:
if you can find me a single gay marriage that can procreate i'll say youre right

i can find millions of heterosexual marriages that can

Technially a lesbian can produce children, with a little assistance.
-Rafa- said:
then two gay guys can spend their life together... unmarried
and so can straight people.

since marriage is based on procreation, as you say, i move to ban marriage of women past menopause, and also force every married woman passed menopause to get divorced to allow her husband to marry again. also, no man who has had a vasectomy can be legally married. those pople who are forced to get divorced can just live together, like the gay people.
i heard mexicans were made when indians fucked buffaloes too

we should have a law allowing us to marry buffaloes

who knows what'd we get if a white guy fucked one
-Rafa- said:
there is NO possibility of pro-creating...

the end

Lesbians can be inseminated, gays can adopt, and sterile heterosexuals are in the same boat but they can get married.

And wasn't there already a thread on this, in which this reason was posted over and over and fucking over again?

Your god gives you the right and the obligation to hate and exclude gays. Revel in your faith, but don't bother trying to rationalize it to those who place their faith in logic and justice.
hey xsmaster, the only requirement for marriage isn't procreation.. the other is that you have a man and a woman
Automatic Jack said:
Lesbians can be inseminated, gays can adopt, and sterile heterosexuals are in the same boat but they can get married.

And wasn't there already a thread on this, in which this reason was posted over and over and fucking over again?

Your god gives you the right and the obligation to hate and exclude gays. Revel in your faith.

You leave god out of this thread. This is about Rafa telling us he is a self hating gay man.
I feel that if your against gay marriage... you are questioning your own sexuality.

Why do these so-called straight people give a fuck if fags wanna get married?

Who gives a shit?
-Rafa- said:
there is NO possibility of pro-creating...

the end

besides why would a gay guy want to commit himself to one dude? seems like a pretty un-homosexual way of thinking... hrmm

But thats a good thing, you know... Stop the cycle.
good point

let em marry all the fuck they want

its just gonna be a meaningless ring and piece of paper anyway since no real church should ever condone the union and certainly God wouldn't...
In America, marriage is a civil union, not a religious one. Marriage of gays presents the same advantages to our society that other marriages do: added stability to housing and job markets, income consolidation, ease of administering benefits.

The only reason to exclude them from being married is because of fundamentalist Christian beliefs, and those just aren't relevant.