[GOD] TW Christian parents and parents to be

Just as an adult's thoughts are higher and not understood by children, God's thoughts aren't understandable by human adults (but oddly enough, Jesus hinted that children understood God easily). I choose to believe the numerous clues God leaves because His Word says that those who believe now will be saved when he reveals himself - and every knee shall bow and tongue confess. But everyone has to be judged on every thought, action, and scheme and those who aren't covered by Hebrew sin sacrifices or the blood of Jesus are going to really be bummin about the stuff they did as teenagers.

yes it is the greatest chainletter evar... chain letters are written to bring about fear but You are an idiot for believing this nonsensical text... but hey idiots who can't think and are fearful say, "well im just hedging my bets because I can't fight my way OUTTA THIS WET PAPER BAG of bullshit written thousands of years ago by ignorants trying to understand their limited concept of reality. My God of my imagination born from the higher understanding of reality we have is greater than the bullshit written in the bible.
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yes it is the greatest chainletter evar... chain letters are written to bring about fear

fear of what? paradise? the only people that should be afraid are the ones ignoring the glaring signposts everywhere that Jesus is the way. Fear about stuff dissipates once you no longer fear death.
fear of what? paradise? the only people that should be afraid are the ones ignoring the glaring signposts everywhere that Jesus is the way. Fear about stuff dissipates once you no longer fear death.
an ostrich feels the same way once his head is in the sand.
the glaring signposts everywhere
fear of what? paradise? the only people that should be afraid are the ones ignoring the glaring signposts everywhere that Jesus is the way. Fear about stuff dissipates once you no longer fear death.

Please explain to me what those glaring signposts are?
Why havent i seen them?
Also, isnt the population becoming less and less religious?
fear of what? paradise? the only people that should be afraid are the ones ignoring the glaring signposts everywhere that Jesus is the way. Fear about stuff dissipates once you no longer fear death.
Oh..and just so you can have a point of reference. Every towelhead praying to allah has the exact same point of view. You guys should get together.

Its people like YOU and them, who have beliefs of imaginary men in the sky and the fear of death that makes you NEED to believe that there is some great reward once you die that has caused more death and destruction in man's history than any other force.
I love it when people refer to god as if he actually exists and they know him. That's so fucking funny.
Just some of my thoughts on this thread:

1) The non-believers sure are fixated on the hell issue. God doesn't condemn you to hell for eternity. He doesn't condem your children to dwell there either. Your actions and beliefs in this world dictate your position in the next. God gave us the gift of free will, and you can choose not to believe, to even speak against him. Know, however, that all of mankind was made in the image and likeness of God, with a desire for Him built into every fiber of their being (whether they choose to acknowledge it or not). Therefore the greatest pain that hell brings is not the physical pain, but the pain of loss, or separation from God. If you need a little more sugar coating, know that only those who die in a state of Mortal Sin go directly to hell. All others have a chance to repent and attone (and you will want to once you see Him).

2) The bible was written by man, but inspired by the Holy Spirit. The so-called Gospel of Judas and all that? They were written only by man. That's why they aren't in the bible.

eh, think I've gone on long enough