[GOD] TW Christian parents and parents to be

The funny part is how most parents would burn in Hell for all eternity just to make their kids happy and how God sends (supposedly)some of these to Hell for all of eternity. So according to this, God does love your kids more!

Christians don't make sense.

Here's another one:

God is perfect right? However, doesn't the Bible also display God as being jealous(thou shall not worship false gods)?.Isn't jealousy a negative trait? How can god have emotions? Those are human characteristics...and people are sometimes ruled by emotions. How can you love all of mankind and yet condem it to hell?


if you commit a crime...and go to court and get sentence...that isn't weird is it? You murder a person and get sentenced to life in prison. I would say that is just. In the same way, God views every single evil act that we ever commit and knows every evil thought that ever goes through our brains. Our sentence is that we lose out on the afterlife, get sentenced to hell, or possibly just cease to exist. (thankfully Jesus the saviour was sent as the sacrificial lamb to cleanse us of sin once we repent and claim Jesus as our king/saviour)

The 10 commandments don't list jealousy - only coveting. Coveting is when your buddy or neighbor has something that you want so bad that you scheme to steal it from ur buddy. God is jealous of people who he created that decide to ignore his existence - he really wants their devotion to Him so he can bless them and fulfill their lives.

So anyway...I think I rambled on a little there and didn't really get my point across. But it's all good.
Here we go!
Power tripping your luck is switched
Oh, so now it's funny
When it's your turn to laugh
You go poke the running joke!
Scoring points with God
Get no perfect marks
But your grades keep falling
How you treat the weak is
Your true nature calling
Porn chick calls herself a therapist
Baby call it what it is
For all the money in the world
We'll go to war for backward heroes
Come to rescue you
Just to lien on you
With interests soaring
How you treat the weak is
Your true nature calling
Please believe
We live and breathe
Through native tongue and
All those years we believed, yeah
Scoring points with God
Get no perfect marks
But your grades keep falling
How you treat the weak is
Your true nature calling
i never understood the whole concept of levels of love

ie. i don't love my mom more than my sister
if you commit a crime...and go to court and get sentence...that isn't weird is it? You murder a person and get sentenced to life in prison. I would say that is just. In the same way, God views every single evil act that we ever commit and knows every evil thought that ever goes through our brains. Our sentence is that we lose out on the afterlife, get sentenced to hell, or possibly just cease to exist. (thankfully Jesus the saviour was sent as the sacrificial lamb to cleanse us of sin once we repent and claim Jesus as our king/saviour)

that 12 step program worked on you quite well i must say
i never understood the whole concept of levels of love

ie. i don't love my mom more than my sister
if you could choose between ur mom and ur sister, one dies one lives. who would it be?

the one u chose is the one u love more, liar
if you could choose between ur mom and ur sister, one dies one lives. who would it be?

the one u chose is the one u love more, liar

i don't think my "varying degrees of love" would have anything to do with my choice

i would use some rational thought, like, my sister hasn't had the opportunity to be a mother or fulfill her dreams or something yet

i love them both unconditionally regardless of their actions towards me or another

p.s. think up less retarded examples to prove how one could love someone more than they love someone else
tru, here's some spice

i don't think my "varying degrees of love" would have anything to do with my choice

i would use some rational thought, like, my sister hasn't had the opportunity to be a mother or fulfill her dreams or something yet

i love them both unconditionally regardless of their actions towards me or another

yeah i agree. What I think the degrees of love we're talking in respect to God's love and human love is this though:

God's love = flawless, unselfish, 100% faithful (the sun comes up every single day whether we're good or bad right?)
human love = temperamental and based largely on current emotions, only faithful until something better comes up, always loves self more than anyone else
yeah i agree. What I think the degrees of love we're talking in respect to God's love and human love is this though:

God's love = flawless, unselfish, 100% faithful (the sun comes up every single day whether we're good or bad right?)
human love = temperamental and based largely on current emotions, only faithful until something better comes up, always loves self more than anyone else

okay that is stupid

you can't feel god's love unless you accept him as master of the world

oh yeah, and if you don't, you get to burn in hell for all eternity too

therefore, from the sermon you heard & what you've repeated to me

his love is selfish and 0% faithful

i think he's the one with varying levels of love

p.s. don't make an example of your fake temperamental emotion you call "love" in regards to what i feel it is

either you love someone or you don't

thats about it in my book
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A religion is no more or less legitimate than a cult.

legitimate? look, I don't care any longer about looking legitimate to anyone or following any stupid man-made rules of how church should be.

I have a real relationship with the God that is, that was, and that will always be. The only God. My relationship comes from interacting with God and having faith on things that common-sense contradicts but they pay out 100% of the time.

As for what you decide to believe in, go join a cult of atheists or a religion of drunks...or maybe come meet this God I'm getting to know for yourself.
legitimate? look, I don't care any longer about looking legitimate to anyone or following any stupid man-made rules of how church should be.

I have a real relationship with the God that is, that was, and that will always be. The only God. My relationship comes from interacting with God and having faith on things that common-sense contradicts but they pay out 100% of the time.

As for what you decide to believe in, go join a cult of atheists or a religion of drunks...or maybe come meet this God I'm getting to know for yourself.

hey interface

how come you had to hit rock bottom (showing your genitals whilst drunk on the internet) before you could meet god

whats up w/ that
okay that is stupid

you can't feel god's love unless you accept him as master of the world

oh yeah, and if you don't, you get to burn in hell for all eternity too


his love is selfish and 0% faithful

i think he's the one with varying levels of love

p.s. don't make an example of your fake temperamental emotion you call "love" in regards to what i feel it is

either you love someone or you don't

thats about it in my book

k, here's a more simple way to try to describe God's love:

if it came down to it and you could decide which 2 people live between you and your mom and sister there is a decent chance that you would take the bullet for them. On the other hand, God could find himself and 2 strangers in the same situation and he'd take the bullet every time.
legitimate? look, I don't care any longer about looking legitimate to anyone or following any stupid man-made rules of how church should be.

I have a real relationship with the God that is, that was, and that will always be. The only God. My relationship comes from interacting with God and having faith on things that common-sense contradicts but they pay out 100% of the time.

As for what you decide to believe in, go join a cult of atheists or a religion of drunks...or maybe come meet this God I'm getting to know for yourself.

I prefer the Nordic gods. Thor can kick your pansy happy-loving god's ass.