[GOD] TW Christian parents and parents to be

i'm aware of what your pastor has said

and what the bible sez

but you're just saying some really confusing dumb shit right now

why are we in these death scenarios

how about:

your wife cheats on you because you're a drunk who shows his cock on the internet every friday night

you change your ways and forgive her and continue to treat her with respect & kindness no matter how angry what she has done might make you

that is love
hey interface

how come you had to hit rock bottom (showing your genitals whilst drunk on the internet) before you could meet god

whats up w/ that

LOL nice
actually rock bottom hit about a year after that. I initially left the interweb because I was partying so hard. ice, dro, blow + 18 pack 5 nights a week. God came by my house and talked to my wife about 2 weeks after I finally realized that partying was never ever going to lead to any sort of fulfillment and i became emotionally tapped out.

I'm still on this road to truly be all that God wants me to be and I'm far from being good at it...but it beats the shit out of the emptiness that I felt partying.
well, if you can replace a negative addiction with a positive one

good job

but please don't start shitting on other people's views
why are we in these death scenarios

to be honest, I use death scenarios because that is what we're talking here. God's love doesn't give us warm fuzzies but it can lead to eternal life instead of spiritual death. Plus the fact that Jesus, a man born with God's own spirit, died for every human on an individual level.

So to me, this is very much a story of life and death because life only begins when your body stops breathing in God's world.
:lol: Reggs claims he doesn't make these threads to troll, and then all he does is come in and :rofl: at the viewpoints being expressed.
man it's hard for me to explain the entire concept of a very large book and the crazy crazy coincidences that have happened in my life in the last 2 or 3 years since the "god came to my house" part.

From reading the Bible, experiencing unexplainable coincidences and other stuff over and over, it's crystal clear to me but I'm not very good at delivering content, i hop around too much (scatterbrain).

oh well, good thing im not a preacherman or anything.
one thing I will say...my new Jesus beliefs have changed my worldview quite a bit

but I still think republicans and democrats both suck, for the record.
I'll explain my first post, Interface. There are billions of people who believe as strongly as you do. Each person however believes a little differently. We like to group ourselves in major religions, denominations or cults, but even those are inaccurate since even from Christian to Christian or Muslim to Muslim or Scientologist to Scientologist they all believe a little differently (although many will claim the contrary). So just know that there are people who believe completely different things just as strongly as you believe what you believe. I'm not saying your beliefs are "wrong", I'm just saying that you should realize that you and other Christians are not the only ones that believe in something absolutely. Use that info as you please.
I know exactly how God thinks...

I'll explain my first post, Interface. There are billions of people who believe as strongly as you do. Each person however believes a little differently. We like to group ourselves in major religions, denominations or cults, but even those are inaccurate since even from Christian to Christian or Muslim to Muslim or Scientologist to Scientologist they all believe a little differently (although many will claim the contrary). So just know that there are people who believe completely different things just as strongly as you believe what you believe. I'm not saying your beliefs are "wrong", I'm just saying that you should realize that you and other Christians are not the only ones that believe in something absolutely. Use that info as you please.

What I say are things I've learned outside of the church. I don't buy into denominations and the like. Been there, saw the greed and who is really in charge behind the scenes (the dollar and only the dollar). I do have a great community church where the pastor believes just as I do but he is just a person who hosts the normal Sunday formalities in an attempt to reach people who are far from Christ. The real relationship with God exists in the home and individually...in the neighborhood.

I agree partially that most religions have sects and different belief sets (ie. baptists vs methodist). But a fact that no one understands is that God was able to send His Holy Spirit to re-connect with each person who fully accepts Christ into his innermost being. People who this happens to are no longer following man's will or experiencing man's desires but they follow God and His will no matter what the risks appear to be. This Holy Spirit is unique to Christ followers - he "unifies the body of Christ". In this way he uses people who have a little bit different beliefs but when you put all of these true Christ followers together they fit together as well as a puzzle and are all working towards the same goals that God put in front of us.

So that's where I'm coming from when I criticize your opinion.
Well I believe you evoke all these feelings yourself and what that really attests is the power of one's own mind. I believe you are able to conjure such feelings because you believe so strongly. It's almost self-feeding if you will. So basically I am of the opinion that any or no religion could be correct and it wouldn't affect your feelings. In effect, the existence of a god is immaterial to what you feel. I'm not saying that there is no god. I'm just saying that your feelings, in my mind, in no way affirm its existence.