Game dev, agile, AI, space engineers, oh my

Hazee Daze

Veteran XV
-->Marek Rosa from the Czech Republic starts a game company called Keen. Makes a boatload of money from Space Engineers. Space Engineers releases new content each Thursday like clockwork, thus must be supremely agile. Uses funds for a startup to dev a self-improving AI. Oh my.

Teh rest

[Game] Space Engineers by Hazee Daze - TribalWar Forums is where I start to play Space Engineers. I got hardcore hooked not like since T1.

The shit they add! In fact, they release so much content, that I'm usually behind the curve for new stuff. I think Death Match was the latest update, but since I've started playing they've released:

- programmable cubes
- oxygen generation, storage, and use
- support for mods and scenarios
- LOS comm lasers
- factions
- fucking planets (coming soon)
- and that's the tip of the iceberg

I'm hooked.

As I play, I notice new content rolling out each Thursday that's ready to go after I get home from work. I've never seen a more prolific software publisher. Never.

I figure the only way they can release so much content so regularly has got to be a very disciplined and sophisticated use of Agile methodology--or a planned waterfall model that is so close to agile as to be functionally indistinguishable.

When I search for new stuff the name Marek Rosa keeps popping up. After much googling, I still have no clue who this guy is, but I presume he's Czeck 'cause the "Keen Software House" is out of the Czech Republic. When I read what other people say about him, it's usually in that worshipful tone reserved for geniuses.

The other day I started to wonder if anyone had made mazes for the game. I like a good puzzle, and the ability to create a 3D maze in this game is obvious. So I google for "space engineers maze." After clicking about, I hit this:

The studio behind Space Engineers are working on self-improving AI that may one day outstrip humanity | PCGamesN

OK, so this guy, who has made millions on a stupid computer game or two, who obviously has agile down fucking stone cold like nothing I've ever seen before is turning his sights on a self-improving AI. Holy crap.

That's all.
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they also just started selling another game before space engineers was even done.

Right?!? Medieval Engineers - Home

They are smart. They're leveraging their game engine to pull more suckers, er players, in. Meanwhile their mattresses are stretching with all the cash they're stuffing in them.

Space Engineers is still pre-release. This software is the best beta software I've ever used without a shadow of a doubt.
they were smart leaving all the shit to make it easy to troll. i mean honestly thats the only reason i play this game. Its fucking hilarious
Have you hit any seriously good defenses yet Z? Smart turret action and hidden assets should make trolling pretty hard.
Right?!? Medieval Engineers - Home

They are smart. They're leveraging their game engine to pull more suckers, er players, in. Meanwhile their mattresses are stretching with all the cash they're stuffing in them.

Space Engineers is still pre-release. This software is the best beta software I've ever used without a shadow of a doubt.

Well, I know the devs behind Starforge tried this too... but obviously nowhere near successful.

And you're making me want Space Engineers. Dammit Steam, take my wallet why don't you...
it doesn't really seem to explain much about how the AI works, or how it's different than other existing AI projects.
Have you hit any seriously good defenses yet Z? Smart turret action and hidden assets should make trolling pretty hard.

a few but i managed to take off with some dudes huge ass ship and manage to 360 corkscrew it into some 20+ co-op base build before their defense could do much damage
y are u supporting/encouraging ppl to sell unfinished shit

Remember when we used to always hear the term "Gone Gold"?

A rarity nowadays in this age of early access and pay to beta

still - that's what people want - that's what we get
Actually, speaking of engineering games.

Is there anything around that teaches engineering structure/stresses. I remember Bridge Builder years ago, that's probably still around. The only problem with that is it had no real training or explanation, it was just try it and see.

Is there anything that sort of explains the basics and then gets you to build simple structures and then tests them in various ways like vehicles/wind/dropping elephants on them?

If anyone likes fiddling with/understanding engineering mechanisms this is a pretty cool site
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