taking a look at just character...

obama - politician in disguise, chosen to run as a minority prospect to counter hillary - appeals to emotion, speaks in broad terms with no real implications, pretends to care about the "people" because his past would *appear* to accent his false front

paul - comes off as a crazy politician but has a real understanding of economics, debates like a pro, does not waver, and when backed into a corner he uses sharp, educated words instead of losing his temper and resorting to name calling/useless semantics

hillary - i need to look into her, have not yet

mccain - hey, he was decent on the daily show but failed miserably as any sort of intellectual powerhouse deserving of a presidential seat. loses temper easily too...

huckabee - meh, loses any attention i pay quickly. don't have an opinion on this guy...need to look into him more but probably won't

romney - loses temper easily, embodies political greed for power, shady, on par with mccain's debating ability (i know u r but wut am i)
taking a look at just character...

obama - politician in disguise, chosen to run as a minority prospect to counter hillary - appeals to emotion, speaks in broad terms with no real implications, pretends to care about the "people" because his past would *appear* to accent his false front

paul - comes off as a crazy politician but has a real understanding of economics, debates like a pro, does not waver, and when backed into a corner he uses sharp, educated words instead of losing his temper and resorting to name calling/useless semantics

hillary - i need to look into her, have not yet

mccain - hey, he was decent on the daily show but failed miserably as any sort of intellectual powerhouse deserving of a presidential seat. loses temper easily too...

huckabee - meh, loses any attention i pay quickly. don't have an opinion on this guy...need to look into him more but probably won't

romney - loses temper easily, embodies political greed for power, shady, on par with mccain's debating ability (i know u r but wut am i)

why are you giving political opinions when you don't even follow what's going on

PS. Romney's not even in the race anymore
How can anyone NOT vote for Ron Paul? He's not a lesbian like Hillary, he's not a liar like... well everyone else. He's old. He hates taxes. He hates war. Seriously, are there really people out there who want the US to become a socialist state? This country is built on capitalism... ie the private ownership of companies. Federal medical insurance sucks, freely giving money to fucks who are too lazy to work sucks - especially when it's my money. I don't owe these poor people anything, I'm not glad that they are being unproductive. Be productive, make something of yourself, and keep the rewards of your labor! How is this so fucking hard to understand? Of course there are special exceptions as far as disability goes, but in all other cases - fucking work. I'm sick and tired of people being fucking lazy beggars. I believe that my money is mine, and should stay mine, I don't like having 35% of what I make go to a government I don't currently believe in. Tax cuts and self-accountability is what I want. Ron Paul's the only candidate who'll earnestly give that to me.
someone already said this but there are more anti ron paul posts then actual supportive ron paul posts.

fucking stop
Why does everyone keep saying that stupid catch phrase?

We opened our eyes the second we looked into your 'savior' of a candidate and saw just how batshit crazy he actually was.
Why does everyone keep saying that stupid catch phrase?

We opened our eyes the second we looked into your 'savior' of a candidate and saw just how batshit crazy he actually was.

or perhaps you are not familiar enough with consituational law, econmics, and logical debating to completely respect what paul has to say? heck, if i never took classes on all three issues, i suppose it would just be easier to say he is a KCRAzZY rambling crrRAzzyy things!!!


Paul wants to remove half the federal government's revenue.. one problem.. he hasn't told us what hes going to cut besides that small 11% slice. Oh Iraq will pay for it? Uh, no, iraq is only 6% of our budget.
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Paul wants to remove half the federal government's revenue.. one problem.. he hasn't told us what hes going to cut besides that small 11% slice. Oh Iraq will pay for it? Uh, no, iraq is only 6% of our budget.

lol. see that massive chunk there that says 'social security' as well as 'medicare'..poverty programs..

if you really have no clue what spending he would cut, maybe you should go read some position papers on limited government and what it actually means

i know its a shocking concept to you, but we don't actually have to spend MORE with every passing year. don't spit your water out or anything.

oh, i almost forgot. ender is possibly one of the dumbest people i've seen post regarding ron paul. for that i think he deserves some sort of title. "best comment of election '08 " perhaps
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heres another thing

you know the paul argument that, well we didn't have an income tax before 1913, and it worked out ok then

"Customs and excise duties--which formed the bulk of federal revenues in the pre-1913 period which Paul praises so highly--account for less than four percent of total revenue."
lol. see that massive chunk there that says 'social security' as well as 'medicare'..poverty programs..

You see those big green letters that say "MANDATORY SPENDING"

that leaves um.. lets see.. oh right, every single penny of discretionary spending.

Do you like highways? And, oh yea, a military? I'm not talking lets start a war, im talking having an actual standing military just existing. Personally, I do.
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