Ok. So because the media doesn't deliver the news fairly, I should vote for Ron Paul. right. awesome.
Ok. So because the media doesn't deliver the news fairly, I should vote for Ron Paul. right. awesome.
Are you like, ten years old Wyrm?

I'm actually seriously asking, since you apparently don't understand the meaning behind that post, which anyone with any intelligence whatsoever could figure out on their own. I'm trying to be civil here without immediately calling you a retard.

Let me point the last sentence and see if you can figure out what he waas saying:
I, for one, am glad to be an "idiot".

Come on little buddy. I have faith in you. Struggle. Think hard. What is he separating there?
more importantly:
if you want someone who will promis a ton of things he cannot deliver, and will have little to no backing by anyone in the congress or senate - vote for ron paul.
more importantly:
if you want someone who will promis a ton of things he cannot deliver, and will have little to no backing by anyone in the congress or senate - vote for ron paul.
Yes, brilliant logic:

*promise to do as much good as he can possibly get support for* < *promise to do jack shit and use buzzwords*

By the way, the President has a lot of influence on Congress/Senate when he's elected. They know, after all, that he was voted in for his views.

Way to be naive, champ.
Are you like, ten years old Wyrm?

I'm actually seriously asking, since you apparently don't understand the meaning behind that post, which anyone with any intelligence whatsoever could figure out on their own. I'm trying to be civil here without immediately calling you a retard.

Let me point the last sentence and see if you can figure out what he waas saying:

Come on little buddy. I have faith in you. Struggle. Think hard. What is he separating there?

Wyrm's question was perfectly valid, your post is nonsense and you're a fucking idiot.
Wyrm's question was perfectly valid, your post is nonsense and you're a fucking idiot.
My question was valid too.

Only a total fucking moron would suggest that he was saying that Paul would stop the media from presenting the news unfairly.

Shut the fuck up member.
My question was valid too.

Only a total fucking moron would suggest that he was saying that Paul would stop the media from presenting the news unfairly.

Shut the fuck up member.
let's see here...
If you like paying personal income taxes, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you like being at war, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you believe democracy can be delivered at gunpoint, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you think the media fairly delivers the news, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you think being forgiven for breaking the law and spitting in the face of those who legally immigrated is okay, don't vote Ron Paul.

I, for one, am glad to be an "idiot".

seems to me that damiandt is suggesting that
1) Paul will do something about personal income taxes
2) Paul will do something about getting us out of this war
3) Paul will do something to stop us from trying to deliver democracy at gunpoint
5) Paul will do something about immigration

If the suggestion is not that Paul would try to change some of these things and he only likes to talk about it, than he's fucking worthless. If the suggestion was that he would try to change these things, #4 means that he would attempt to change the media.
don't you people find it odd (for those that care about government) that people don't know how their own country is ran?
If the suggestion is not that Paul would try to change some of these things and he only likes to talk about it, than he's fucking worthless. If the suggestion was that he would try to change these things, #4 means that he would attempt to change the media.
You can't remove sections of the post (#4 and the end sentence), then try to say it doesn't make sense.

The last sentence once again, is the key. I understood it. I'm waiting for you to figure he out that he's showing the separation from (most) Paul supporters and retards like yourself that are happy with the status quo. He's "okay" with being labeled an "idiot" by someone that thinks we should be paying income taxes and that think the media delivers the news fairly, etc.

Good God, you guys are giving me a superiority complex. I know I'm not a genius, but when I talk to some of you, I feel like I'm talking to a child or the mentally challenged. You're just so fucking stupid. It's almost painful. Fortunately, I get a slight sense of pleasure from mocking your stupidity and ignorance.
If you want a 1.1 trillion dollar budget shortfall due to cutting the income tax entirely, vote ron paul.

If you want all government discretionary spending (defense, education, epa, fda, etc) cut as a result of that - all of it - vote ron paul.

If you want the american government to pull troops out of everywhere - japan, germany, south korea - hello korean war p2 - vote ron paul.

If you think its possible to remove 45% of the federal government's yearly income and only cut 11% of spending, vote ron paul.

If you want to elect stormfront's pick for president, vote ron paul.

If you want to elect a guy who, by his own admission, had no idea racist material was being printed IN HIS OWN NEWSLETTER.. for 20 years.. under his own byline.. to run THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.. vote ron paul.

And I think that about sums it up.
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You can't remove sections of the post (#4 and the end sentence), then try to say it doesn't make sense.

The last sentence once again, is the key. I understood it. I'm waiting for you to figure he out that he's showing the separation from (most) Paul supporters and retards like yourself that are happy with the status quo. He's "okay" with being labeled an "idiot" by someone that thinks we should be paying income taxes and that think the media delivers the news fairly, etc.

Good God, you guys are giving me a superiority complex. I know I'm not a genius, but when I talk to some of you, I feel like I'm talking to a child or the mentally challenged. You're just so fucking stupid. It's almost painful. Fortunately, I get a slight sense of pleasure from mocking your stupidity and ignorance.

The implication in the post was that Paul would do something about the things listed. He wasn't separating himself from people that think Paul would take action in those areas, he was pointing out that those areas need attention and Paul is supposedly the only candidate who will give them the attention they need.

He then proudly aligned himself with Paul due to the fact that Paul would address those issues.

Wyrm rightly asked what Paul would do about the media. I'd like to know what Paul would do to.

I'd also like you to shut up, because you've clearly suffered some neurological trauma that makes you unable to grasp basic sequiturs.

Ender is now just as fucking retarded as Triple.

Congrats. That's quite the achievement.

How can you put Ender in the same category as Triple?

Triple still defends George Bush and thinks the Iraq war was totally justified to name a few things:shock: