I could for instance call ron paul a liar, and I can actually back it up.

He lies about his economic policies. He claims the income tax is only 33% of the federal revenue 07. Its 45.

He claims removing that amount of money would only put us back to 2000 federal budget levels. Lie - the actual year corresponds to 1995.
You need to learn to quote better.

On earmarks, he has a record of proposing earmarks and pork for his district in texas, and then voting against HIS OWN LEGISLATION. Why on earth does he do this? So he can claim hes never voted for an earmark. Even though he knew his own earmarks would pass without his vote anyways.
Wait a minute.

Tell me when the Fed has EVER printed or issued money.

k. thanks. bai.

Oh and I understand if you don't know that the Fed is often referred to the Federal Reserve, not the Federal Government or .. or the US Treasury.

god you are ignorant
ahh, nothing more comical than validuz pretending that being "undecided" in january makes you a moron.

you really are the dumbest fuck on TW.

at least dumpy has a sense of humor.
Awww, don't get your panties in a wad, pussy.

I know you're getting all defensive, because you're one of those anti-Paul faggots that are coincidently "undecided" whenever someone asks.

It's okay, we all know you're a fake piece of shit retard. You don't have to play defense.
Oshits, someone's wipping out the member accounts for back-up!

:rofl: Quick, cower behind the idea that you're still "undecided"!!1
Yes, you triple, are right.

All of our founding fathers WHO CREATED THIS COUNTRY and THE CONSTITUTION are the wrong ones.

They were all "aiming to destroy this country" before it even started.

Good call.

Fuck, you're so damn stupid.
Were they wrong when they put birthright citizenship in the constitution?

Or is that "destroying this country"?
If you like paying personal income taxes, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you like being at war, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you believe democracy can be delivered at gunpoint, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you think the media fairly delivers the news, don't vote Ron Paul.
If you think being forgiven for breaking the law and spitting in the face of those who legally immigrated is okay, don't vote Ron Paul.

I, for one, am glad to be an "idiot".

you forgot to add, "If you want your vote to count, don't vote Ron Paul"
I'm sad I missed all the Validuz action.

No, retard, it doesn't.

We don't need 50 organizations to "protect us." I'm fairly certain that they ALLLLLLLLLL failed on 9/11. That tells anyone with a brain that they are obviously a waste. We need one or two at most, more centralized and concentrated on national security, not policing the world.

Someone, I think they've managed to protect us, but I'd rather do away with things like the Patriot act and suffer occasional attacks.