[EPIC] Bush Vs. Kerry COMBAT

he deserved it too, that guy has no respect for anyone but himself

telling voters that Bush plans to silence black voters in battleground states, how can you make foil hat statements like that and not be held acountable
TonyElTigre said:
he deserved it too, that guy has no respect for anyone but himself

telling voters that Bush plans to silence black voters in battleground states, how can you make foil hat statements like that and not be held acountable
Wow, that's almost like saying we'll be attacked by terrorists if voters didn't "pick right" in november. The nerve of that Kerry, I tells ya.
Kerry should try telling the National Guardsmen they're not apart of the Air Force, I'm sure they'd all be surprised.

And since noones used the tired cliche yet, Bush in 2
dan-o2 said:
Wow, that's almost like saying we'll be attacked by terrorists if voters didn't "pick right" in november. The nerve of that Kerry, I tells ya.

no its very true we will be attacked, Kerry constantly says we cant win and we need to run from Iraq. He will breed far more terror on America and make it easy for them to do, thats what democrats do (its fact)

But to make claims that the repubs are oppresing black voters and fixing elections is fuckin rediculous and slander

im not gonna argue in this thread, i'm trying to bring the funnay here
TonyElTigre said:
no its very true we will be attacked, Kerry constantly says we cant win and we need to run from Iraq. He will breed far more terror on America and make it easy for them to do, thats what democrats do (its fact)
Because we can't win. Winning against terrorism is impossible, it just won't happen. We'll just keep pouring our young men and women into the desert to die an unwinnable war. We should get out. And as for your "oh we will get attacked omg" bullshit, I think I see who Cheney was targeting with that propaganda bullshit. Have fun in your idiotic delusions.
dan-o2 said:
Because we can't win. Winning against terrorism is impossible, it just won't happen. We'll just keep pouring our young men and women into the desert to die an unwinnable war. We should get out. And as for your "oh we will get attacked omg" bullshit, I think I see who Cheney was targeting with that propaganda bullshit. Have fun in your idiotic delusions.
Shit we can't win the war on drugs, or domestic violence, or the common cold, or buying a package of hot dogs and buns and having the number come out even.

We should really just give up
CapnPyro said:
Shit we can't win the war on drugs, or domestic violence, or the common cold, or buying a package of hot dogs and buns and having the number come out even.

We should really just give up
The "hot dogs vs. buns" one is what really gets my blood boiling.

CapnPyro said:
Shit we can't win the war on drugs, or domestic violence, or the common cold, or buying a package of hot dogs and buns and having the number come out even.

We should really just give up
That's the spirit! I'm not saying we should give up, I'm saying we should focus on defense instead of trying to have a war with ghosts.
Error|550 said:
We're winning dumbass.
Sure we are. Suuuuuuuure.

Edit: Omg guys breaking news on CNN, we've almost made it into the Terrorist's home nation, and we're almost to their capital! Oh, wait, no we aren't because there is no motherfucking way we will ever stop terrorism. Period.
dan-o2 said:
Sure we are. Suuuuuuuure.

Edit: Omg guys breaking news on CNN, we've almost made it into the Terrorist's home nation, and we're almost to their capital! Oh, wait, no we aren't because there is no motherfucking way we will ever stop terrorism. Period.
You're fucking moron. The "Nation of Islam" is turning their beloved jihadists into social outcasts. THAT is what winning looks like in this sort of war.

Go back to your tea leaves.
Error|550 said:
You're fucking moron. The "Nation of Islam" is turning their beloved jihadists into social outcasts. THAT is what winning looks like in this sort of war.

Go back to your tea leaves.
We are fighting an invisible enemy. He has no home, he has no base, he is a ghost. He strikes without warning. We've lost hundreds of our men and women to him. To even imply that we have any capability of EVER stopping him is fucking absurd at best. There is no winning against terrorism. We can prepare for it, yes, but we cannot win against an enemy we can't see. We can attack and attack and attack and lose a thousand more of our men and women, but we will never prevail against them.

Go back to fox news.
Error|550 said:
You're fucking moron. The "Nation of Islam" is turning their beloved jihadists into social outcasts. THAT is what winning looks like in this sort of war.

Go back to your tea leaves.
yeah, exactly

Hmm.. IIRC post 2001 terrorist attacks world wide are the lowest they've been since the 60's. I think rooting out as many towel wearing religious fuckos as we can is having some sort of positive effect over all
Focus on defense? Like what? I call for a complete sealing of the borders, strict immigration control and the searching of every piece of material that enters this country. Because that will totally work.

The best defense is a good offense. The only way to limit the terrorist threat is to eliminate the lives of terrorists and disrupt their operations. We've been doing that and we'll probably have to do it for a damned long time. But that's effective. Complete isolation and paranoia is not.
Icey, looking at your sig.. it's nice to know that allowing potential felons to purchase assault weapons is a victory for your version of America.
scy7he said:
Okay, this is a Dungeons and Dragons deal.

First off, for simplicity sake, let's use 2.0 rules. Prestiege classes can get annoying.

So we got Kerry. He's pretty tall, very old looking, but still participates in many sports. He's definately an Elf. And we all know that elfs get a bonus to dexterity and a penalty to strength.

Bush on the other hand is about normal height, and doesen't look too weird. So he's a human. Although Chenny would be a dwarf.

Kerry would be a Fighter, straight up I believe. He's seen combat, so I'd imagine he'd be quite proficient in the long sword (Anyone who's seen the newer version of Romeo and Juilet knows what I'm talking about.)

Bush would be a Paladan, being the great crusader he is. The class prevents him from being as proficient in weaponry, but he has the ability to cast certain spells. 3 charges of MakeUpAWord lvl 5, anyone?

I will continue this annaylisis shortly.

Fucking nerd.
Error|550 said:
You're fucking moron. The "Nation of Islam" is turning their beloved jihadists into social outcasts. THAT is what winning looks like in this sort of war.

do you think they care