Dow Jones back to Pre-Bush levels (Mccain is acting like the Iraqi Info Minister)

I'd have felt bad for Mccain if he made a SINCERE effort at helping america, rather than just turning into Bush #3 - trying to lie/smear his way to victory by pandering to the fringes and implying that the opposition is unpatriotic.

I mean... when Fox News, Mitt Romney and Carl Rove are calling you a liar... something's fucking wrong.

Only the Sith deals in absolutes.
RELIGIOUS fundamentalist nut jobs.

Frankly, if you are a theocrat... it doesnt much matter if you are muslim, christian or jewish.

Really looks like a lot of other people see it as Mccain winning.

Donald Trump now supporting Mccain.
Trump endorses McCain on Larry King - Mike Allen -

lord jesus, ignore the polls and major conservative pundits... TRUMP SUPPORTS MCCAIN!


The Economist
The woman from nowhere: John McCain’s choice of running-mate raises serious questions about his judgment

Chuck Hagel
Sen. Hagel doubts Palin's ready - "insulting to the American people"

Wick Allison (former publisher of National Review)
A Conservative for Obama - My party has slipped its moorings. It’s time for a true pragmatist to lead the country.

George Will
Impulse, Meet Experience

David Brooks
Why Experience Matters

Charles Krauthammer
Palin's Problem

Richard Cohen
Republicans Rush In
Because Obama is a socialist who is gonna raise taxes and believes in redistribution of wealth?

We know what the downside is of having wealth too concentrated. What is the downside to redistribution? How the fuck was someone able to convince you that corporate welfare benefits you somehow?
We know what the downside is of having wealth too concentrated. What is the downside to redistribution? How the fuck was someone able to convince you that corporate welfare benefits you somehow?

No, I dont what the downside of concentrated weath is if someone has earned it.

And the downside to redistribution is that ITS NOT FUCKING YOURS to redistribute.

If a millionaire goes out and earns his money then its his. And he shouldnt have to pay 50 or 60 percent in taxes on it to redistribute.
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If a millionaire goes out and earns his money then its his. And he shouldnt have to pay 50 or 60 percent in taxes on it to redistribute.

Let's see him earn those millions without a publicly supported transportation infrastructure, a publicly supported energy infrastructure, a publicly supported communications infrastructure, without publicly supported mortgages/equity, without publicly supported education, without a currency created by and stabilized by the government, without property law, without commercial law, without corporate law, without trade agreements, without an entire market system setup BY and protected BY the US government.

We live in a mixed economy, not some libertarian fantasy land.

When the same house is worth $500,000 in one location and $1,000,000 in another... what's usually the cause?

Public investment in schools, infrastructure, zoning, etc. Community boards that establish buffers to maintain property values. In sum, a lot of "private property" values are driven by ironic government power.

Trump knows that...
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obama keeps talking about how its bush/republican's fault that fannie/freddie went in to the shitter .... yet who received the most money from them ???

hilary and obama, seems like there is a little more to it.

i definately was not a supporter of mccain, but ill take mccain 100% of the time over left wing nut job obama. our great SOCIALIST leader.

you guys are fucking communists and you don't even know it. You white collar workers that make 12 dollars an hour in a cubicle, reading CNN all day, whining about how life sucks and you didnt get your fair shake, are holding your hands out waiting for obama to send you a check in the mail.
obama keeps talking about how its bush/republican's fault that fannie/freddie went in to the shitter .... .

They're probably saying that because the GOP blocked every effort to reform them in time. Just a guess.

yet who received the most money from them ???

hilary and obama, seems like there is a little more to it.

Yeah, the $6 million McCain got from them was a slap in the face and clear repudiation of GOP policies.
automatic jack thinks the man is holding him down, thats the problem. He hasn't figured out that the reason he has a shitty life, is because of himself. So in turn he is looking for the gov to fix it.

I guess if i had such a shitty life, i'd be looking to blame it on something else as well.
Let's see him earn those millions without a publicly supported transportation infrastructure, a publicly supported energy infrastructure, a publicly supported communications infrastructure, without publicly supported mortgages/equity, without publicly supported education, without a currency created by and stabilized by the government, without property law, without commercial law, without corporate law, without trade agreements, without an entire market system setup BY and protected BY the US government.

We live in a mixed economy, not some libertarian fantasy land.

When the same house is worth $500,000 in one location and $1,000,000 in another... what's usually the cause?

Public investment in schools, infrastructure, zoning, etc. Community boards that establish buffers to maintain property values. In sum, a lot of "private property" values are driven by ironic government power.

Trump knows that...

Infrastructure and school needs is what I meant. :rolleyes:

You really need to read about Obama and his social programs.
That's just what Louis XVI said!

The downside is that stable governments can't exist with that kind of inequity. That's just an observational fact, don't take it personally.

something else to think about a caller said on the radio. Dont know if its a famous quote or not. But I liked it.

socialism leads to communism, communism leads to genocide
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You two idiots claiming socialism need to go back and finish high school. Seriously.

If you cross a bridge on the way, feel free to jump off.