Do white Americans run track?

Zero-Optix said:
OMG that statement is so false. lol They have sponsors you know.

OMG it's not.

I ran track in H.S., track, X-country, and x-country skiing in college, made Olympic trials in 1993. United States world cup team 1991-1993 USCF category II racing license.

Don't lecture me about sposnors you little shit. How the fuck do you think you GET a sponsor? Race results. Take your smug lol's, a bowl of cheese doodles and go back to watching sit-coms.
So if given the chance at it I still think that blacks would do well any sport. Fact is they are very fast runners. People want to hold people back because of color. Its not about that. (They have issues with themselves/scared or envious...)Its about the final score at the end. No matter what color you are. The best person wins. Not this color of person is better. geesh get of your pedestal that you put yourselves on.