Do white Americans run track?

i ran track in highschool, was the only whtieboy on an all black relay team, there were meets when i was the only white boy in the heat.

but niggers are just 2 fast
In case you weren't kidding irrigation canals are killer. Their current is usually over 10mph and their size will vary...30-50' wide...20' deep or so...usually "V" shaped. Used to listen to reports of people who drowned in them all the time when I lived in Yuma, AZ....that and those dying from sunstroke from getting caught out in the desert during the day.
A related question is if we have any competitive African-American swimmers . . . I can't remember the last time I saw one and all those boys on TV this last week are whiter than Wonderbread.
xanthias said:
A related question is if we have any competitive African-American swimmers . . . I can't remember the last time I saw one and all those boys on TV this last week are whiter than Wonderbread.
Yep, we were just talking about that here at the table. It is odd how the water shit is all white and the running shit is all black. There have been a couple black girls on the gymnastics team the last several years which is nice to see that "barrier" broken....just weird to see the way this all breaks down. Shit, does Jamaica even have a swim team? Or Namibia?
It is very simple, blacks are faster sprinters. The fact that they dominate sprinting yet comprise a small percent of the overall population should make it fucking obvious.
Yeah Blacks are just natrually better at running and whites are naturally better at backstabbing other cultures and countries.
$hogun said:
Granted lots of white people do..I'm just curious strikes me odd that blacks so completely dominate track events.

A lot of it is because track doesn't take a shitload of money to get good at.

When was the last time you saw a bunch of black guys dominate mountain bike events?
Vanster said:
A lot of it is because track doesn't take a shitload of money to get good at.

When was the last time you saw a bunch of black guys dominate mountain bike events?

OMG that statement is so false. lol They have sponsors you know.
Zero-Optix said:
OMG that statement is so false. lol They have sponsors you know.
usually you have to be reasonably good already in order for a sponsor to even think about giving you money.
Zero-Optix said:
Yeah Blacks are just natrually better at running and whites are naturally better at backstabbing other cultures and countries. what is it? Racial Apologist or Black Racist?
Vanster said:
A lot of it is because track doesn't take a shitload of money to get good at.

When was the last time you saw a bunch of black guys dominate mountain bike events?

does stealing said bikes factor in?
Zero-Optix said:
Mountain biking doesnt take alot of money to get good at. lol
but you need a bike, first off, and then relatively easy travel to the mountains.

and then you need money for entrance fees to events and races.

fact is track is much cheaper and has lower barriers of entry...much like soccer and basketball.