D&D Thread II


Shit shit shit, i put my armor on and gather my gear and run as fast as i can towards the barracks.

Sprinting a few streets over from the barracks you slow down your pace as the party of dwarves come into view. They appear to be tending to their gear and the mounts. One dwarf, wearing highly polished splint mail seems to be in charge. Two other dwarfs look like soldiers. The other dwarves look like commoners, wearing unbroken-in leathers.

As you draw nearer, you observe that you are arriving at about the same time as the Lord Captain Orleff and a half-elf wearing fine travel clothes. Along with the Lord Captain and the half-elf are two other dwarves leading a pair of pack mules, piled high with supplies.

The Lord Captain looks toward you as you arrive.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
Good. Just in time Scout Havax.


He looks around taking account of everyone present.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
It looks like everyone is here. That is good. Let me introduce you all to Aldren Silverthorn, a friend of High Lord Onyxarm. He will be traveling with you on this expedition to Daggerdale in the Dale Lands.

Aldren, would you care to brief the men on purpose of this mission?

Aldren Silverthorn said:
Yes, of course Lord Captain. A few weeks ago, my tower near Daggerdale was occupied by a band of cutthroats. With your help, I intend to cleanse my property of these vermin.

We will travel North, finding a pass across or around the Thunder Peaks and into The Dales. From there we will continue north through Shadowdale toward Dagger Falls in Daggerdale.

Are there any questions?

As Aldren is speaking, the Lord Captain approaches you.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
Havax. Much of this journey will be through wilderness. No roads, no paths. I know that this is where you feel most comfortable, but these dwarves with you will be like babes in the woods. It will be up to you to make sure the expedition does not get lost or worse: waylaid.


The Lord Captain returns his attention to Aldren as he finishes his briefing.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
Lord Shitwizard will be in command during this excursion. Aldren will fill him in on the finer details about the tower and the men currently occupying it. You will do everything within your power to liberate the property and return it to it's rightful owner. You are to obey Shitwizards lawful commands.

Are there any questions?

Do you have any questions? What do you do?
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How long is the journey? Other than the bandits in the town what other dangers will we possibly encounter on the road or through the wilds near Daggerdale? I understand we have 4 days of supplies, if we run out what then?
No questions, let's be off before the day runs out

Goshin looks at gorlax and mutters something about pomp and ceremony

How long is the journey? Other than the bandits in the town what other dangers will we possibly encounter on the road or through the wilds near Daggerdale? I understand we have 4 days of supplies, if we run out what then?

Lord Captain Orleff said:
The journey to Daggerdale should take no longer than 3 weeks. Feed for the animals, rations for yourselves: the pack mules are loaded with enough supplies for an additional week. After that, you will need to forage. Ranger Havax's skill set will become invaluable.

As far as dangers... there will always be dangers when traveling. Highwaymen, may lurk around every bend of road. Wolves, bears and great hunting cats prowl the wilderness.

Lord Captain Orleff grinds his teeth and then spits on the ground.

Lord Captain Orleff said:
Orcs and goblins, the filthy creatures, could be anywhere...

Anthing else? What do you do?
I stare down Havax and tell him he better not fail us if our supplies run dry. As far as my dwarven brothers and myself I ask them if they are ready to depart, and shake Lord Captain Orleff's hand walking towards the horses preparing to mount my own steed.
Dead Ben


You kneel before the altar and statue of your goddess Chauntea, The Great Mother, Earthmother. Basking in the solitude of your temple, you are just finishing your evening prayers when a loud knocking at the great doors of the temple antechamber stirs you from your reverie.

A moment later a novice of your order quietly enters your door-less chamber.

Novice Priest said:
Apologies, grace. Constable Gladenstone waits in the antechamber. There is a pressing matter; he requests to speak with you.

What do you do?
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We haven't even started our first quest dammit

Role-playing, character development, back story development, the set-up to the adventure... without these things we may as well just be playing a combat simulation.

What's the fun if I just throw you guys in a dungeon and role dice to see if you live or die?