[Crowdsourcing] Winning logo/mark gets $30 amazon gift card code

Oh I get it. Crowdsourcing is used when your shitty on-staff art team can't perform the duties they're being paid for.

That's the placeholder on our website right now. Just to give an idea that it doesn't need to literally be a letter "V" - as long as it conveys that.

Oh I get it. Crowdsourcing is used when your shitty on-staff art team can't perform the duties they're being paid for.

Whatever you want to believe. They were not hired to create logos. I feel crappy telling them to push aside other assignments to work on a logo. If I came to them with a rough sketch of what I wanted, I would feel a lot better about it.
You have a team of in-house artists and you're outsourcing the "concept" of the design? Here's a novel thought, go and buy a design sample book if you need ideas. It'll cost you less than $30.
This company has success written all over it.

Make sure you apply for ycombinator funding. They're sure to jump at the investment opportunity.