crazyazn banned? what did he do wrong?

ding dong dink said:
god forbid someone make a post asking for some tech help on a forum

you're still a fucking faggot i hope i meet u someday irl

a post is fine, TEN fucking threads on the same thing is not.

And is that an internet threat? oh no :rolleyes:
I sat next to azy at TWE and aside from trying to ninja my drink and going Donatello with his pool cue, he was cool.
jinko said:
a post is fine, TEN fucking threads on the same thing is not.

And is that an internet threat? oh no :rolleyes:

try 4 threads, not on the same thing.

1. tv cd protection.

2. tv cdkey retrieval.

3. HD died, need file recovery suggestions.

4. someone send me TV install files.

yeah sure it's an internet threat why not
Fool said:
I sat next to azy at TWE and aside from trying to ninja my drink and going Donatello with his pool cue, he was cool.

jacked 2 cups of happy juice :bigthumb: flavored rum with coke is great stuff. i'll compensate you for it next time. i woulda paid you back this time but you were already rambling about burning jews and chinese so i figured offering you more alcohol wouldn't be the best course of action.
neehl said:
jinko are you on irc
yeah /msg jinko

btw internet threats are really mature ding dong dink..

this guy is obviously ayzian.. ban for circumventing ban

edit: now that i know your ayzian, you've been reported for smurfing/cirumventing your ban :D and if it works as well as it did last time, i'll be a happy man
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jinko said:
yeah /msg jinko

btw internet threats are really mature ding dong dink..

this guy is obviously ayzian.. ban for circumventing ban
maybe his post where he said "this is ayz" tipped you off eh?
jinko said:
btw internet threats are really mature ding dong dink..

why not, everyone else does it.

i do make threats irl too when necessary (bitrot), it's rather amusing on retrospect though

thanks detective osama bin segarob to the rescue

EDIT: shit wrong thread :p
--- jinko [] has joined #grapple
* ChanServ sets mode: +v jinko
* _neil sets mode: +b jinko*!*@*
* jinko was kicked by _neil (no)


btw free ayzian
«15:07» -> *_neil* lol, you kick banned me from a channel i had no idea existed, you are hardcore.. i think i might just go cry

you guys are regular e-toughguys!