crazyazn banned? what did he do wrong?

fuck no bro. Honestly, i'm pretty addicted to it. It was weird at first but as soon as I put it into 120 fov the game felt great! I don't know how to explain it but i can play the game for 4 hours straight and theres only 3 maps.

A lot of people love it and theres a lot of skill being developed already in the beta. People like pumpkin king, akuma, baxter, azn etc have been playing almost every night and love it.
ayzianboy said:
i figured locke banned me, i want to know why since i don't recall breaking any rules whatsoever. i asked for a thread instead of pming him about this because i'm at work without irc access
I play every day, but I find it easier to host my own map. I'll jump on a public game every once in a while.
ya good one, caught me on my spelling. This doesn't change the fact that ayzianboy is a spamming sack of shit. I reported him for spamming that desktop thread that crashed my firefox, maybe that was it. I just hope hes banned for good.
jinko said:
ya good one, caught me on my spelling. This doesn't change the fact that ayzianboy is a spamming sack of shit. I reported him for spamming that desktop thread that crashed my firefox, maybe that was it. I just hope hes banned for good.

wow you're a huge flaming faggot

spam once onos

btw that thread loaded fine for 99.9% of TW
ding dong dink said:
wow you're a huge flaming faggot

spam once onos

btw that thread loaded fine for 99.9% of TW
spam is what i reported him for. spamming a thread with images that fucked up the tables and where huge images warrented me to report it, and i don't give a shit if ding dong dink thinks otherwise.

Second of all, he was an annoying cunt by posting all of his T:V Beta Lost, need to ISO, Still have but need this, how do i do this, trying to help this, formatted and lost this, someone send me this

it gets old quick. and if i'm not mistaken you are ayzianboy's smurf.. i remember ayzian posted under your name awhile ago.
jinko said:
spam is what i reported him for. spamming a thread with images that fucked up the tables and where huge images warrented me to report it, and i don't give a shit if ding dong dink thinks otherwise.

Second of all, he was an annoying cunt by posting all of his T:V Beta Lost, need to ISO, Still have but need this, how do i do this, trying to help this, formatted and lost this, someone send me this

it gets old quick. and if i'm not mistaken you are ayzianboy's smurf.. i remember ayzian posted under your name awhile ago.

god forbid someone make a post asking for some tech help on a forum

you're still a fucking faggot i hope i meet u someday irl