Beds - what ya got

It's a Portmanteau of Caddy and Cadillac.

I really don't think my ability to spell the name of a foreign car is any metric of wealth so I'm not sure on what you are basing your assumptions of my net worth.

I certainly wouldn't be proud to own that 15 yr old shit box, that's for sure. I do believe you didn't buy it anyway as it was too expensive for you and it was all a fantasy in your head.

now that is poor

So....i just picked this up.... by JuggerNaught - TribalWar Forums

and sad, very sad, sadder than Vanster

nighty night, going to bed, stay covid free, enjoy ramadan :sunny:

Its ok, i know you cant even consider owning a Cadillac.

after 10yrs ur mattress doubles in weight from ur ugly fat assed dead skin cells and sweaty grease farts

change em out bois
I am currently in the market for a new mattress. Current 1 is 10 years old and ready to be replaced. I started looking back in Feb but of course the stupid CCP-virus hit. i dont know how people can buy a mattress without at least laying down on it?

i have some nice ikea bed frame that does not require a box spring otherwise id need a ladder to get on the bed.
im in the market for a new mattress. I'd try one of those internet beds but they seem like a pain in the ass to return if you hate it.

theres a casper mattress store down the street and id go try one but of course its closed due to AIDS

figure ill pull the trigger on one when I move next year, should be open by then
As I've posted, I have 3 latex mattress beds set up. We bought one about ~20 years ago on the internet. the damn thing was so heavy that when it arrived, I was trying to set it up by myself and my bicep turned into a cep. But it was the best bed we had ever had at the time. My wife loved it so much she had me bring it from Oceanside to our house in Mazatlan with us. Then we bought two more for the new condo. One of them is firm and is in the second bedroom. I tried it for a while and could have gotten used to it, kind of liked it... We bought another mattress for the master bedroom and we chose soft and that was the ticket. my wife requested the soft. I thought it was going to be too soft, but no it's perfect. much better than the firm for me.... Never tried the medium...from what I've seen on the internet they always tend to fall into those three ranges soft medium and firm.

They are heavy and it would be a pain in the ass to have to return one, so I'm glad all the purchases have worked out for me. But for me all our beds will always be latex.
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i thought latex beds were 4 ppl who piss themselves or are into piss porn

They do clean up rather easily and they do seem to last forever.

When we go to the house and stay on my oldest mattress it still feels great.
I have a king Casper wave. Has been great. Alaska kings are ridiculous and for people whose children have dependency issues or for swingers.

mine is 76 wide by 84 long

we'll call it Canadian king bed


when it's time for a new mattress I will only get a square one. it's a lot better to rotate it 90, 90, 90, 90 than only 180 and 180
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WTF is this twin, twin XL shit? Isn't that a single bed? Why the f would you call a one person bed a twin?

What is the story there, is this some crazy USA thing?

Its ok, i know you cant even consider owning a Cadillac.


You are absolutely correct for once, I would never ever consider owning a cadillac. I dont even think you can buy them here, even if u could I wouldn't, not even at half price.
I didn't - like I said, they don't even sell them here.

Or are you pretending that I couldn't afford a 15 year old shitbox like you posted :rofl:
I would guess that every poster here could buy one of those.

Please, stop trying to be rich on the internet, it's even worse than pretend internet tough guy.

Everyone knows your business failures, everyone saw where you live, the jobs you pretend to apply for and everyone sees the shit things you consider 'buying'. We all know you are barely above poverty line, and that is being generous.

Just stop embarrassing urself and stick to posting the quality content that you are known for.
The Twin XL (38x80) is what I have, and when you have two of them (King), there is a small gap and each person will stay on their side. If you are like Hugh Heffner with 2 chicks then you would get 3 Twin XLs for a bed that's 114 inches wide. In reality, each chick had their own bedroom, but you get the idea. For families, the dog(s) or baby would end up in the middle.

Laurie would always end up facing my side of the bed in the morning and I could hear her breathing. But the gap in the bed kept her from crossing into my territory.

With a Twin XL for each person, can adjust the height of the head and feet. Raising the height helps people stop snoring. I wouldn't get the weird sizes because then it would be hard to find sheets.
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