Worst popular actor of our times

leo is pretty much unbearable, even in his 'good' movies. scarlett johansson is also completely terrible except for that one movie where she plays an alien robot that doesn't comprehend human emotion

I used to hate dicaprio, but gangs of new york made me reconsider. might not have been so much him as being near the legendary performance of day-lewis though

scarjo is absolutely terrible

I would like to add ben affleck
I used to hate dicaprio, but gangs of new york made me reconsider. might not have been so much him as being near the legendary performance of day-lewis though

scarjo is absolutely terrible

I would like to add ben affleck
I agree with Affleck except he was really good in the accountant
casey > ben in terms of affleck acting

i disagree. i hate that whiny little fucking faggot.

manchester by the sea and the jesse james movie were two of the worst movies i had ever seen, and he annoyed the fuck out of me through both of them.

and his face is very punch-able.
I sat next to Nicholas Cage for dinner one night at the Gordon Biersch out here Vegas... and I had the creeps the entire time.

That dude had the most creepy energy coming off of him... and not in a good way. It was in the way where I felt sorry for him and wanted to seek him out some psychiatric help. :(

Hard to put into words exactly... but it was like the people at his table (a chick and some kids) were in one universe, barely speaking to each other and just eating, while he was in another universe not really even understanding where he was, lost in his own thoughts and making like.... strained or confused faces in between eating his food and drinking. Every once in a while he would mumble something and the chick would lean over and mumble something back.

And to put this in perspective, Gordon Biersch is a beer house... the kind that carries on in traditional German style. People are roaring with laughter, slamming back steins of beer, eating platefuls of sausage, singing, you name it. Meanwhile at his table... it was like a fucking vortex in the room, where if you got too close to it you risked getting pulled into a black hole or something.

Totally creeped me out.
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Look... being one, I'm no stranger to extreme people or weirdos... I can sense when someone's energy is just "off" and not good to hang around.

He was that energy.

"A soul in turmoil" is the best way I can put it.
Eccentric is eccentric. I love eccentric people, they're the only ones worth listening to usually.

Only this dude was missing-a-few-marbles off kilter... like he looked ready to jump off a bridge or something.

In fact, if he would have stood up suddenly and then stabbed himself in the chest with a steak knife or slit the chick's throat next to him, I wouldn't have been shocked about it at all.
I thought it was all an act though?

I thought he had like... this great persona he cultivated where he was Nicholas Cage... but I assumed that somewhere at the end of the day, he went back to his family and was just "Dad".

I was totally wrong about that. Dude is a freakazoid.