Worst popular actor of our times

i hate to break it to you guys but if keanu is terrible then who is good? keanu is consistently good at his roles like tom hanks is.

/me ducks
Deniro was at one a great actor. He maxed out in Heat then went downhill after. He started phoning it in after that for the pay checks and then has become way too political.

I dont mind tom cruise, he might not have any kind of range but i go back and watch his movies and they are enjoyable. I just rewatched War of the World - gotta say was pretty good movie.
Some good ones already.

My criteria is (similarly) any actor / actress that makes me instantly not want to watch any movie they're in.

Or one that tarnishes my enjoyment of a good movie happening around them.


Jennifer Lawrence
Seth Rogan
Jonah Hill
Jennifer Aniston
Owen Wilson
Kate Hudson
Ben / Casey Affleck
Kristin Stewart
T.J. Miller
I thought Jennifer Lawrence was pretty good as the batshit crazy wife in American Hustle

not sure what else I've seen with her in, didn't know she was hated/considered awful ;o
I thought Jennifer Lawrence was pretty good as the batshit crazy wife in American Hustle

not sure what else I've seen with her in, didn't know she was hated/considered awful ;o

hunger games, joy (pretty decent in that one)
For me it is Colin Farrell.

However, I somehow have enjoyed many movies he has been in.

Anyone notice scarlett Johansen best movies are movies where she plays her own bitchy emotionless self? Everything else she sucks at

Nic cage is a dope actor he just stopped caring
kristen stewart. I haven't seen many of her movies.. I saw her in the Zathura, previews for twilight and I saw camp x-ray. If her role doesn't call for sour puss face she is fucked, cause that is all she has got