Worst popular actor of our times


Veteran XX
Since the early 2000’s. This can include not only bad actors but that has priority. Being in multiple bad movies also is included.

I post this because I was about to watch a movie but then I saw Luke Wilson was in it and that just killed any anticipation I had.
I've never really cared for deniro. He is a very one faceted actor. He plays a NY italian in just about every movie he's in, regardless of what the movie is about
Amy Schumer also she's one of the worst "comedians" around if you actually call the hour or so of her act of stolen jokes about her vagina as comedy.
Amy Schumer also she's one of the worst "comedians" around if you actually call the hour or so of her act of stolen jokes about her vagina as comedy.

Im so tired of her. If it weren't for her non-stop references to sex and her well worn axe wound, nobody would know her name
Kevin Costner.

With the exception of field of dreams, every movie from him is like watching the day shift strippers at the airport strip club. He is flat, bored, barely putting in a performance
Sometimes bad actors are smart enough to pick roles that they won't take away from. I'd go with nick cage who is horrible actor who also chooses horrible movies, although some I liked like con air
I'm also not a huge fan of Keanu Reeves. He's ok, but almost every character is a different version of Bill & Ted
Sometimes bad actors are smart enough to pick roles that they won't take away from. I'd go with nick cage who is horrible actor who also chooses horrible movies, although some I liked like con air

That screams Tom Cruise to me.. great movies but not because of his acting.