[LOST] They were fucking dead all along ...

why did they say that every living being in the world would die if the light went out? clearly that wasn't the case. There were some minor earthquakes, some chunks of island fell into the ocean, and locke became mortal just long enough to get a cap busted in his ass. Then it's as simple as putting the plug back in, and voila - everything's cool again?
It wasn't purgatory you idiot. Everything happened and they died. What we saw at the end was a brief moment in some point after their lives. It was not purgatory. Your wife is an idiot.

Seriously. What's wrong with you guys? It's like nobody watched the last 10 minutes and can comprehend what happened. Everyone died, eventually. The reunion at the end was an afterlife, not purgatory.

This.. The Island happend, they met up in the afterlife.
why did they say that every living being in the world would die if the light went out? clearly that wasn't the case. There were some minor earthquakes, some chunks of island fell into the ocean, and locke became mortal just long enough to get a cap busted in his ass. Then it's as simple as putting the plug back in, and voila - everything's cool again?

jacob explained to richard that the island is the cork that holds the evil wherever the fuck they are. with the light out, the island was being destroyed. before it could be sunk to the ocean, jack put the stopper back and restarted the light. what jack did to restart the light is up for interpretation, but id like to think he sacrificed the bit of light inside him (they said before that everyone has a bit of the light inside them) to restart the big light.
Question from a long time fan... What was the significance of Walt. Why did he need to be abducted? I know he was special but was he an automatic candidate? Also I forget what purpose Michael had not being able to kill himself.

Finally, were all the people in sideways world dead or just the losties?
Question from a long time fan... What was the significance of Walt. Why did he need to be abducted? I know he was special but was he an automatic candidate? Also I forget what purpose Michael had not being able to kill himself.

Finally, were all the people in sideways world dead or just the losties?

from what i remember, the reason the children were abducted from the survivors by the others was to give them a better life, living in new otherton, essentially convince them their parents/whatever were dead to keep the number of others up since they couldnt have children.

and since they said that there was no "now," im pretty sure everyones dead.
Question from a long time fan... What was the significance of Walt. Why did he need to be abducted? I know he was special but was he an automatic candidate? Also I forget what purpose Michael had not being able to kill himself.

Finally, were all the people in sideways world dead or just the losties?

Walt was probably one of the top people chosen to take over for Jacob, and he had some kind of psychic abilities. During the time he was kidnapped, it was probably determined that he was ultimately not the one to take over, and they let him go. In real life, he was obviously written out of the show because they couldn't explain his growth over such a short period of time. I'm guessing originally they had big plans for him, but they then switched gears.

Michael sacrificed himself, freezing the bomb on the freighter long enough to allow the Oceanic 6 to escape. This was his purpose. He is now stuck on the island as a whisper because of the people he killed.

On that last point, I'm guessing yes.
My guess would be that Walt was growing too fast for the timeline of the story and so they needed to disappear him for a season or two and then decided it wasn't worth bringing him back. There was absolutely no way they had the candidates story line planned out at the time Walt left.
Fuck spoilers, I want 6 years of my fucking life back you cunts at ABC. My fucking wife called it THE VERY FUCKING FIRST EPISODE (we wrote it down) ... "Purgatory".

Fuck you producers of Lost who wouldn't fucking answer any of the questions.

What the fuck was the acoustic barrier?
If Jacob couldn't leave the island, how did he leave to bring them all to the island?
How the fuck did Penny die?
What the fuck was the Dharma Initiative exactly?



jesus christ
My guess would be that Walt was growing too fast for the timeline of the story and so they needed to disappear him for a season or two and then decided it wasn't worth bringing him back. There was absolutely no way they had the candidates story line planned out at the time Walt left.

pretty much. the actor that played Michael pretty much said that he was off the show because Walt grew too quickly.
why did jacob's brother turn into a smoke monster when he went down the hole, but desmond (and then jack) were fine? I could see someone theorizing that desmond's resistance to electro magnetism (which was never explained btw) was somehow relevant, but jack at that point was the same as jacob / his brother were when he got tossed down the well.
jacob explained to richard that the island is the cork that holds the evil wherever the fuck they are. with the light out, the island was being destroyed. before it could be sunk to the ocean, jack put the stopper back and restarted the light. what jack did to restart the light is up for interpretation, but id like to think he sacrificed the bit of light inside him (they said before that everyone has a bit of the light inside them) to restart the big light.

yea, but their mother explained that the light in the well was the source of life or whatever, and that every living being had a little bit in them, and that if it ever went out, everyone would die. that's why they had to protect it and keep it hidden from evil men. so, why didn't everyone die when the light went out?
yea, but their mother explained that the light in the well was the source of life or whatever, and that every living being had a little bit in them, and that if it ever went out, everyone would die. that's why they had to protect it and keep it hidden from evil men. so, why didn't everyone die when the light went out?

Maybe it didn't completely go out yet which is why Jack was able to put the stone back on to bring it back. Maybe the physical light went out that comes out of the cave and the hole, but the process of destruction was only beginning.
What was the point of Francois Chau's character?

Why didn't they kill of the spoiled rich girl faster?

Why was Xerxes on the Island? Why did he have hair and no jewlery?

Who still had the Marshals gun?

Why does jack always breathe so heavy?

When did Adabisi and Hill get out of Oswald State Penatentiary? Why did they not seem to know each other?

What are 2 lawyers from Wolfram and Hart doing on the Island? Why doen't one know how to speak english any more?

When did Juliet start fighting aliens?

Why was there never a flash back with lockes time with the millenium group? Why did he leave that gig to become a box salesman?

WTF was with hurleys girlfriend?
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