[Official] GoT S5 Thread

Stannis would never hand Winterfell to Sansa if he finds out Bran and Rickon are alive. They are the lawful heirs, not Sansa.
lulz. apparently some people have the ep on their hbo stream early. not our regular account though.
i expect bran stark to look something this by next season


cant stop the pubez!
its almost impossible to talk to people about asoiaf on here

everyone thinks they know everything, including me

its like trying to fuck a brick wall

I've put the books behind me. Honestly this is the first time I can think where the show/movie is better than original books.

The show just makes so much more sense. For example sending Sansa back to Winterfell makes way more sense for Littlefinger than the way it was going to happen in the books. Why would he benefit from what he wanted in the books, unless just to creep on her.
great episode of course but goddamn

really really didn't have to see (hear?) that


so much for stannis being my fav character. that's shot to hell for good
This episode seemed like they rushed to put in a lot of stuff rather than telling a story. But now I'm just curious what's going to happen in the finale.