[Official] GoT S5 Thread

woudlnt u believe her? everything she's predicted so far has happened? also with the food and horses gone, stannis literally has 0 other option. burn his daughter to save the realm or have him and his army starve/freeze to death
Yeah what makes a "true king"? Stannis is only in line for the throne because of Robert's rebellion. He calls Joffrey/Tommen usurpers. :)
Yeah what makes a "true king"? Stannis is only in line for the throne because of Robert's rebellion. He calls Joffrey/Tommen usurpers. :)

robert's rebellion was successful. he disposed of the targeryans and had all but 2(or 3) of the entire bloodline killed. he had targeryan blood in him, so he had somewhat of a legitimate claim with all of the targeryans gone. this is a different case because when it's found out that tommen is just a lannister bastard, the only legitimate ruler is stannis

though at the same time, the people who are pulling the strings in kings landing are the seven, and they probably won't take kindly to stannis' lord of light religion thing he has going on

that said, cersei's little segment with littlefinger a few seasons ago shows that all power is really, just perception
I definitely feel like Melisandre on the show is just kinda winging it at this point. Jon seems to have clouded her visions some and she isn't sure about Stannis anymore.

Maybe she just got lucky with the leeches.
I definitely feel like Melisandre on the show is just kinda winging it at this point. Jon seems to have clouded her visions some and she isn't sure about Stannis anymore.

Maybe she just got lucky with the leeches.

In the books she isn't sure either.
why would you think its luck? she's literally been right every single time they've used kings blood
In the books she isn't sure either.

Book stuff:


Show Melisandre just feels less confident when she isn't burning something or fucking something. Felt like little girl BBQ was a hail mary for her and Stannis both.