[Official] GoT S5 Thread

Fight choreography and cgi left something to be desired. Dany on the dragon looked cheesy as fuck to me, and Jorah swings like a girl. Otherwise I quite enjoyed it.
I've put the books behind me. Honestly this is the first time I can think where the show/movie is better than original books.

The show just makes so much more sense. For example sending Sansa back to Winterfell makes way more sense for Littlefinger than the way it was going to happen in the books. Why would he benefit from what he wanted in the books, unless just to creep on her.



i was gonna post about how shireen getting burned actually served a point, but i couldnt

because they managed to save a character that people cared even less about who had kingsblood (show gendry / book edric storm)

they just used leeches

and the blood from those two leeches "killed" robb and joff (balon greyjoy TBA)

so yeah, totes needed to burn shireen. totes.
last week's episode was better imo but I liked this one too

Shireen getting burned was hard to watch/listen to. Why did he do it in public? Is it supposed to be some twisted message to his troops? Just shows him as a fucking lunatic to the guys that don't believe in the red god shit
Is this episode available at the store yet?

they're available literally right after the show airs

holy fuck, did they fire the fight choreographers from previous seasons? The pit fighting and harpy action was complete shit.

feels like they're starting to cut corners and it's showing :(
that mormont nigga is someone i would like to have rolling down crenshaw blvd looking to put in work
i was gonna post about how shireen getting burned actually served a point, but i couldnt

because they managed to save a character that people cared even less about who had kingsblood (show gendry / book edric storm)

they just used leeches

and the blood from those two leeches "killed" robb and joff (balon greyjoy TBA)

so yeah, totes needed to burn shireen. totes.
prob is stannis isnt as cunty as he should be in the show.

this will help his demise make more sense.
holy fuck, did they fire the fight choreographers from previous seasons? The pit fighting and harpy action was complete shit.
i dunno i think the viper v mountain fight has been the ONLY good fight.

maybe jaime v ned?
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Not that it matters now that she's well done, but aren't you not supposed to touch grayscale? Shireen puts that side of her face right up against Stannis.

That scene was horrible, but shows what kind of person Stannis is and more importantly, how he believes in Melisandra. Also not sure if it is a spoiler but there's something in next week's preview.