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  1. M

    Help with Internet Explorer...

    sup dudes, so internet explorer on my laptop has gone haywire and all the font sizes and whatnot are out of whack, im sure this is a common problem and i was just wondering if it has to do with internet explorer being a piece of shit, or something my sister may have done to screw up the...
  2. M

    help with accessing secured sites/AIM

    hey to all you smart tech people ;] i just got back from school for spring break, and my home computer is acting all messed up...i can't sign on to AIM, i get the "The AIM Service cannot be reached" error box. as for the internet...i can access normal sites like and, but when...
  3. M

    scary movie this movie

    i remember watching it when i was little lad and bein scared shitless... its a movie about clowns, and how they put humans in like, sacks and drink them n shit...and you have to shoot them in the nose or something to kill them. anyone know what im talkin about?
  4. M

    ui i love sluts

  5. M

    good thing the job market is lookin awesome again mr stone! i feel like sparking more debate, since i find stone incredibly annoying... just postin some more evidence of the ever growing economy and employment
  6. M

    omg i ament fun reting 2night

    i met fn rretting at the arbar tonight and he is a cool dued hello funretting u rock man we need t po aprty more often man, nice 2meet u.
  7. M

    math problem for you math nerds out there

    this problem was on my exam today, and it was the only one that i wasnt sure of the answer. given that A, X, and D, are 4x4 matrices, and w is a scalar: AX = wX + D a)Which of the matrices in the equation must be invertible?(have an inverse) b)solve the equation for X. (i solved this with...
  8. M

    Funniest shit ever just happened

    i cannot believe what just happened. i swear to god this is all true so nobody give me any LIES crap. so im sitting here about 15 minutes ago at my comp talkin to some buddies, when my ex gf comes into my dorm room. she starts talkin to me but im not really payin attention...she goes "ugh...
  9. M

    high five to all those who are up doin school shit.

    just finished writing a speech that's due 9:00a.m. thought it was due tuesday night, but i learned tonight at 1:00am that it was due tuesday morning :[ so hi to all u other procrastinatERZ out there
  10. M

    USA vs Holland ESPN2 !

    its only a friendly, but both teams have their top players playing, should be a good game
  11. M

    Greg Maddux Signs With Cubs!

    wooohooo...we now have UNDOUBTEDLY the best rotation in baseball...fuck yeah cubs world series champs 2004!
  12. M

    so i just watched Donnie Darko for the first time

    and all i can say is....WTF? what the shit happened in this movie, lol
  13. M

    French Ban Muslim Head Scarves silly french...
  14. M's page 3 is awesome

    it joins page 2 as greatest webpages on internet
  15. M

    cntrl alt del creator retires... i thought this was a *cute* article discuss..
  16. M

    so i think i lost all hearing in my right ear

    i have the worst headache i have ever had, the worst sinus congestion, and i shit u not i am fucking DEAF in my right ear why would i be deaf in my right ear...maybe im just retarded..cuz i've very rarely get sick... but it sucks not being able to hear out of my ear. so am i going to die or what?
  17. M

    if you're bored...

    IM this SN and just harass her. CazYQtGrL6453
  18. M

    never pass out while i'm in the room...

    or else you'll get it like my buddy rich we were in iowa on a frat walkout, and my pledge bro fell asleep so i decided to draw all over his face, thought it was funny, so u guys might also :D
  19. M

    holy shit funny college drunken vid

    maybe its only fucnny cuz im drunk, but one of my friends on my floor came back so goddamn drunk and made the biggest fool out of himself, it is hilarious. vid to come asap once i get a host.
  20. M

    bill parcells and belichick...secret lovers?

    that pic made me giggle when i saw it on :]