Recent content by RiSe226

  1. R

    Harmless Automotive Revenge

    I know, I know, the one rule is never mess with a man's ride but I've already been messed with in an unacceptable way (shaving cream in the middle of the day). I've thought about ways to exact my revenge in a harmless way, no paint damage or costly clearing of sugar from the fuel tank, but I...
  2. R

    Tell me about Galveston, TX

    It has come to my attention that there's a slight possibility I may be moving to Galveston, Texas. Right now I live in Orlando, Florida and I must admit I'm quite tired of the shitty traffic, constant construction and about 1/2 of the whole town (International Drive, Pine Hills, Downtown)...
  3. R

    [nostalgic]Look back on my time in brazil

    I lived in brazil for a few years and I thought I'd share some nice pictures of some neat stuff there: Rio de Janero is not where it's at for beaches, south of Sao Paulo is the best place for secluded and beautiful scenery: Buenos Aires, Argentina is also a very neat place to go to: The...
  4. R

    New Hardee's Monster Thickburger

    I downed one today and it is not something to be taken lightly. This is a ton of burger. It's settling in and I'm feeling progressively worse and worse. Yes, this is OFN. Yes, I know.
  5. R

    gordon dies

    just kidding, have fun with your high blood pressure.
  6. R

    Florida is going to be so fucking close

  7. R


    only comes once every multiple of 4 and 6, niggers.
  8. R

    I hope all you fuckers voted yes to amendment 6

    if you're in florida that is. that monorail raped my dad and killed my mom. Seriously though, it's gonna cost 25 billion dollars if it goes through, so watch the fuck out.
  9. R

    [how to] scare kids shitless, forever

    remote control car + scary mask
  10. R

    Listen up motherfucker

    it's "invalid" not "in valid." goddamn, get it right.
  11. R

    gg yanks

  12. R

    I'm making a thread with CAPITAL LETTERS

    parrot tea