
Got Haggis?

Veteran XX

just finished watching this on Amazon..way better than I thought it was going to be. Filmed on location in Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Senegal, and the United States - it's based on the book which is about the cocaine trade. In the same genre as the Narcos series on Amazon - but has a somewhat interesting way of telling stories by showing how points of view branch out. The band Mogwai did the soundtrack. 5/5 - although the american womans haircut annoys the piss out of me....if I was in the cocaine trade, I wouldn't be able to take her seriously (and yes, I realize how dumb this is)

4/5 stars

the author apparently had to go into hiding after he wrote his first book - Gomorrah - which is about an Italian crime family.
the book apparently makes the case for the legalization of cocaine...the tv show does not take a position on way or the other though

tv show is more about how one shipment of cocaine impacted so many lives in various ways
The government doesn't have to legalize it.
Just don't make it illegal.
The government doesn't have to be involved at all and shouldn't be in 'commodities' like this. Tax/regulate/safeguard certain things ok, but just tell people,
'hey, you're on your own if you drink that bottle of bleach idiot'
and superheros
i was pretty much over superheros when they first came out...

i could probably go for another alien movie
they've been terrible and could use a good 'remake'
please make it so they don't die by tossing water on them
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The government doesn't have to legalize it.
Just don't make it illegal.
The government doesn't have to be involved at all and shouldn't be in 'commodities' like this. Tax/regulate/safeguard certain things ok, but just tell people,
'hey, you're on your own if you drink that bottle of bleach idiot'

Yeah, they kinda do. Because when Joe crackhead or Bob the local methhead spends whatever dick sucking money they acquire and go get out of their head, it will be the government that has to deal with them. Also its the government's job to 'support the general welfare....'

Now if someone wants to create 'dopehead island' where you can go and do all the dope you want to do but when you're on your 4th day of no sleep and your drug of choice you're not able to break in houses or rob people to support your addiction, then fine, all drugs are open for use on Dopehead Island (known as D.I. by the locals)
If you haven't watched Gomorra (the show) yet i would highly recommend you to do so.

Four seasons out now and then you can follow that up with a movie called L'Immortale (do watch the movie after you've watched the four seasons). Fifth (and last) season hopefully coming next year.
I watched maybe 4 eps of zerozerozero.. lost interest. It's filmed well and I generally like the aesthetic and subject matter. The story, direction, and characters were just too scattered and inconsistent though. It's a very flawed show that severely breaks down in terms of editing and basic storytelling.

I'd recommend Breaking Bad or Narcos S1 if someone wanted to watch a show on this topic.