
Remember it's always the most indoctrinated ones who regurgitate the myth of 9-11 as if it was something they had actually done legitimate research in, or even tried to have to have an objective opinion about.

It's an utterly fantastic and absurd myth perpetuated by a blatantly controlled corporate media while forcing a willfully ignorant public to regurgitate a certain view of synthetic reality.

Somehow people cant fathom how an enormous imperialist power would kill even more people to save it's empire like has been repeatedly occurring throughout history.

It is however fairly easy to see why most people can't make the transition of seeing things for what they really are. This sense of nationalism and patriotism we are instilled with when we are younger. The indoctrination of kids from a very young age, reminding them that everything our wonderful country has done over the ages has been for the righteous promotion of democracy , while omitting the numerous accounts of genocide that has been committed by this insane and fascist oligarchy.

When we commit massive atrocities it's "Counter-Terrorism", and even though our country harbors the biggest terrorists in the world, we still listen to our leaders while they dupe the public with this incredibly fraudulent war on terror, al-queda, bin laden fairytale that people somehow, still believe.
so it doesnt even take the couple hundred gallons of jet fuel that all the non-conspiracy theorists attribute to the top towers falling by melting support columns.

It just takes a fire. Were these buildings made out of paper mache'?
Wasn't the WTC towers the first skyscrapers EVER to be demolished by a fire? If not, show me evidence to the contrary.
I'm positive that there were at least 2 others, one in Brazil and another somewhere that I can't remember. The thing that sets the WTC apart from them is that the others toppled, whereas the WTC pancaked, an anomaly that can only be explained by a controlled demolition, or the hands of God guiding the towers down safely, which would require that he even existed.
so it doesnt even take the couple hundred gallons of jet fuel that all the non-conspiracy theorists attribute to the top towers falling by melting support columns.

It just takes a fire. Were these buildings made out of paper mache'?


Are you referring to the Twin Towers, or just WTC 7? Because the towers had significant structural damage from the jet impacts.

WTC 7 had its own structural problems from the impact.

and the fires weren't exactly small either

and they were fed by as much as 43,000 gallons of diesel fuel designed for emergency generators, and firemen were unable to do a damn thing about it because of a lack of water. So it wasn't exactly a simple office fire.

for more info
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In this corner, Juggs and his team of lemmings who follow any word not uttered by a govt official

And in this corner CarpeIppon co-writer of the 9-11 commissioned report and proud follower of the corporate agenda.


The problem with all of this is everyone's "research" is googling conspiracy theory websites to find more info , then the anti conspiracy theory people do their debunking "research" by googling anti-conspiracy theory websites and both sides just fling bullshit at each other until the people trying become informed just end up believing nobody.
The stuff I quoted was from someone who actually studies classical religions. Admittedly, he's just a student, but his claims are easily checkable and he cites all his references.

I really don't see the problem with that kind of discourse. Why is there suddenly so much stigma against having the humility to site other people's arguments? That's the way it used to be for the most part, we just didn't have any Google to make the process easier.

Blindly following the mainstream arguments is unwise, but dubbing yourself a good judge in the plausibility of the effects of an aircraft crash without ever having opened a book on the subject is just idiocy.
But what happened to WTC #7? You know, the one that didnt get hit by anything and fell just like a controlled demolition would.
Hold up a second. First, let's ask what your theory is. If you think it was a controlled demolition, say so. Then explain who you think set it up, when and why.

If you're going to challenge a theory, don't come to the table without your own counterhypothesis.
I remember some odd things just watching it. How at first people were calling it a missile and an explosion and possible bomb then the next none of those words were even uttered.

I remember seeing the eye witness report of the guy explaining how the buildings fell and thinking WTF this guy is just a witness whats he talking about?

I remember the reports of molten steel.

How do you guys explain the scientist in that university with actual metal from 9 11 saying it tested positive for thermite?

It doesn't even really matter.

What's important about 9/11 was about how little we know in comparison to how much we know.

Much of the stuff still remains a mystery. The building seven thing is a big WTF?! by all accounts.

They were able to explain the mysterious crash of a TWA flight but they can't explain how those buildings fell? Theres a whole team of structural engineers who do not believe the pancake theory is possible. To me, my ignorant mind can't even perceive it as being possible simply because it never happened before and it has never happened since.

9/11 is a big fucking mystery to us. The spent how much on the reports? 4-5 million maybe? How much did they spend on Clinton's sex scandel? 30 million? I don't remember numbers but there was a huge gap.
nobody pushed the retard button. back in your hole vet3


And its not that I believe everything the government says. Quite the opposite. I'm sure the attacks were preventable and the 911 report is white washed to deflect responsibility, since the people responsible are also the people in charge. But the physical reality is that plane impacts and uncontrolled fires were more than enough to take down the towers, and debris impacts and uncontrolled diesel-fed fires were enough to take down WTC 7. Believing that only a controlled demolition could accomplish that requires such a callous disregard for a mountain of conflicting evidence that it puts those people at the same level as young earth creationists.

911 truthers who think the government should have known/prevented the attacks - okay (includes myself)
911 truthers who think it was a controlled demolition - complete morons unable to think critically or apply logic. They suck up every piece of dribble excreted by Alex Jones & Co. and then make fun of their opposites that believe everything the government says.
I remember some odd things just watching it. How at first people were calling it a missile and an explosion and possible bomb then the next none of those words were even uttered.

I remember seeing the eye witness report of the guy explaining how the buildings fell and thinking WTF this guy is just a witness whats he talking about?

I remember the reports of molten steel.

How do you guys explain the scientist in that university with actual metal from 9 11 saying it tested positive for thermite?

It doesn't even really matter.

What's important about 9/11 was about how little we know in comparison to how much we know.

Much of the stuff still remains a mystery. The building seven thing is a big WTF?! by all accounts.

They were able to explain the mysterious crash of a TWA flight but they can't explain how those buildings fell? Theres a whole team of structural engineers who do not believe the pancake theory is possible. To me, my ignorant mind can't even perceive it as being possible simply because it never happened before and it has never happened since.

9/11 is a big fucking mystery to us. The spent how much on the reports? 4-5 million maybe? How much did they spend on Clinton's sex scandel? 30 million? I don't remember numbers but there was a huge gap.

I'm fairly certain that I have read explanations for WTC7, "thermite", molten steel, etc... several times. You can definitely google them and get answers in 5minutes instead of just posing random questions in the thread.
911 truthers who think it was a controlled demolition - complete morons unable to think critically or apply logic. They suck up every piece of dribble excreted by Alex Jones & Co. and then make fun of their opposites that believe everything the government says.

don't forget about people who think a plane didn't hit the pentagon


off the top of my head :D

it's not possible to fly a plane perfectly into the pentagon like that
the debris on the pentagon lawn was planted or the pictures are photoshopped
the victims on the plane were not real people (if there was a plane)
the eye witnesses are all paid actors
all the family members of the victims on the plane are part of the conspiracy

Logic dictates that the jews did 911, for many reasons. More than the Mossad were involved however, I think. This took a coordinated effort on all parts. And yes, many of each category were involved here.

All one really needs to put 911 together is some critical and logical thought.

Here are just a few of motives for murdering 3000 or so unsuspecting, innocent and trusting people that day, aside from their usual hatred of us that is, just off the top of my head:

1) 911 represented the next pearl harbor that G. War Bush and his henchmen were desperately seeking. The false pretext of terrorism allowed him to invade Iraq, albeit against popular opinion. Mission Accomplished. War for engaged.

2) Lucky Larry Silverstein had bought himself a real turd from the NYPA, as he soon discovered when he became landlord of the WTC complex. It was a white elephant, hideously expensive to maintain, loaded with asbestos and three decades old. Clean up or demolition were equally expensive. Better to simply insure against acts of terrorism (triple indemnity btw). Correct me if I'm wrong but Silverstein made billions upon impact...

3) Fear mongering is only used when a tyrant wishes to sieze power. No event could have generated more fear than 911. Once a good healthy dose of fear of the ragheads was instilled, it would be easy to begin to remove rights from a terrified nation,in exchange for the promise of increased security for all. I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping up with zionist media. Is it still legal for me to say things like that, or will G. War declare me an 'unlawful enemy combatant'? How's security along that southern border these days btw?

4) Rudy Jew-lie-ani. That pretty much says it all. He was to be the self styled hero of 911, possibly the next elected prez. The media were blow-jobbing him incessantly, whilst he stood atop a mountain of rubble and looked distraught. It is more likely he actually sat in bldg 7, and presided over the event, whilst the millions in gold stored there was transported out of the sub-basements. Many sensitive and embarrassing financial and government documents and records were also stored in bldg.7. It was completely destroyed along with both towers. Reduced to powder in less than ten seconds. The records and documents are lost.


It's like the inverse of the holy-cost. Where there were in reality never any jews holy-costed in Germany or anywhere else and so no jews were involved, with 911 so much evidence points to so much jew involvement, that to suggest anything otherwise would be akin to actually embracing the lunacy of the Second Biggest Lie of All Time, and going on a tour through one of its museums.

The Jews need to learn what the blacks learned a long time ago: their place in society is at the bottom.

*edit: not racist or anti-semitic
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I remember some odd things just watching it. How at first people were calling it a missile and an explosion and possible bomb then the next none of those words were even uttered.
How many of those people had ever seen a missile or bomb?

I remember the reports of molten steel.
Do you know how to distinguish molten aluminum and molten steel, especially by sight alone? Do you think the witnesses did? Because the difference is about 2000 degrees.

How do you guys explain the scientist in that university with actual metal from 9 11 saying it tested positive for thermite?
But did he adequately account for the contribution of numerous office supplies, plastics, hydrocarbons, drywall, etc?

What's important about 9/11 was about how little we know in comparison to how much we know.

Much of the stuff still remains a mystery. The building seven thing is a big WTF?! by all accounts.

Its not a mystery. Read the NIST reports. 43,000 gallons of diesel plus a weakening of one of the 3 major structural supports via debris impact.

They were able to explain the mysterious crash of a TWA flight but they can't explain how those buildings fell? Theres a whole team of structural engineers who do not believe the pancake theory is possible. To me, my ignorant mind can't even perceive it as being possible simply because it never happened before and it has never happened since.

NIST rejected the pancake theory themselves. In fact, the core of South Tower held up for a few seconds after the surrounding building was falling before falling itself.
How many of those people had ever seen a missile or bomb?

Do you know how to distinguish molten aluminum and molten steel, especially by sight alone? Do you think the witnesses did? Because the difference is about 2000 degrees.

But did he adequately account for the contribution of numerous office supplies, plastics, hydrocarbons, drywall, etc?

Its not a mystery. Read the NIST reports. 43,000 gallons of diesel plus a weakening of one of the 3 major structural supports via debris impact.

NIST rejected the pancake theory themselves. In fact, the core of South Tower held up for a few seconds after the surrounding building was falling before falling itself.

Dont worry, there will be this same thread in a month where every truther will forget every explanation for their questions and demand answers again.