

Veteran XX
What is TW's take on this movie. I started watching it last night and its interesting and i know some think this is the end all-be all of everything.
Which one? There's two Zeitgeist films, Zeitgeist, and Zeitgeist: Addendum, there's also a revised Zeitgeist film where they've edited the film and added some additional content for clarity and to provide additional sources, which was one of the things that was most complained about the original film.
Which one? There's two Zeitgeist films, Zeitgeist, and Zeitgeist: Addendum, there's also a revised Zeitgeist film where they've edited the film and added some additional content for clarity and to provide additional sources, which was one of the things that was most complained about the original film.

the one im watching started with religion, then the next section is about 9/11, if that makes any difference. its called the 'final cut' i think..got it off google video because youtube has the soundtrack removed
the one im watching started with religion, then the next section is about 9/11, if that makes any difference. its called the 'final cut' i think..got it off google video because youtube has the soundtrack removed

Well, both Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist: Addendum focus on largely the same things, sounds like you might be watching Addendum though.

Did it start off with an old man speaking about "Bringing about the radical revolution"?
I believe that anyone who does minimal amount of research of that movie will find a lot of the information in it to be false.
i believe so.

Okay, then that's Addendum.

Both are good films though, I know people like to nit-pick on each of any debate that discusses this film, but presents the facts in a rousing manor, as most of these documentary-type films like to do.

The money creation section was spot on, yes, banks pull money from their asses, the dollar has no real value, only perceived value. You can even go out and download the Modern Money Mechanics PDF if you're so inclined, it's all there, black and white.

The films raises questions over 9/11, whether or not it's possible that it was an inside job perpetrated by the government or some group there-in, and I think it makes some pretty valid arguments. It raises a lot of questions that even the 9/11 Comission failed to address in the report they published to the public.

The religious portions (I think the first one addresses this more than the second film) are well documented. Interestingly, it shows an evolution in religion, in that basically religions like Christianity (They focus on Christianity, but only because it's the predominant religion world wide, but personally I see Christianity, Judaism, and Catholicism as the same religion with minor variations in their belief structure).

It doesn't flaunt itself though as being the be-all-end-all of whether it's right or not, but I think it asks some valid questions.
Jesus H. Christmas there's been 500 threads on this pile of horse shit. Yes the research has been done, yes there's a dozen websites with the information, no I'm not going to link them again do your own research.

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I believe that anyone who does minimal amount of research of that movie will find a lot of the information in it to be false.

Having looked into the backstory of the film, I honestly haven't found anyone that's been able to debunk, with any level of satisfaction, any part of the film.

Since the film largely portrays the facts of whatever it's discussing, the religious portions are actually well documented, the 9/11 portions are reported from eye witnesses, both people that were personally there during the destruction of the World Trade Center, as well as the clean up crews.

And the portions pertaining to money are spot on, what may vary are people's takes on whether or not they buy into the "intent" portions of the film are where people have the loudest voices. If a bank can make money out of thin air, which is exactly how a fractional banking system works, and makes it illegal for anyone else to do so, then doesn't that leverage a large amount of control over by a few people to the masses?

This kind of control isn't new, banks were trying to establish this kind of control since the US was founded. This is also well documented.
yes, the fact that you even questioned me on this shows that your ignorance never ceases to amaze

get over yourself. everyone spouts that same line of shit but most dont actually do the background info search that they spout off about.