your UI screens, let's see em

I finished switching my UI from rogue to druid and resizing for new monitor a week or two ago.


Raid frames (grid) are on right side and resize based on 10/25 raid.
Recount/Omen are to the left of my action bars and only appear in raid.
ElkBuffBars are my buffs/debuffs, any that are important appear above my cast bar.
Heimdal & ViRt, what UI's are you using?
Tukui : WoWInterface Downloads : Minimalistic Compilations

When people do UI's like this, it really discourages me from making my own. He keeps it updated very often, and you don't need to do a thing except extract the zip to have it working perfectly.

Added a few things of my own though, like tomequest2, Skada for when I'm DPS, and ForteXorcist. Some other random things here and there.

As mentioned already, Power Auras are just plain awesome. Perfect for those easy to miss ability procs.
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Tukui : WoWInterface Downloads : Minimalistic Compilations

When people do UI's like this, it really discourages me from making my own. He keeps it updated very often, and you don't need to do a thing except extract the zip to have it working perfectly.

Added a few things of my own though, like tomequest2, Skada for when I'm DPS, and ForteXorcist. Some other random things here and there.

As mentioned already, Power Auras are just plain awesome. Perfect for those easy to miss ability procs.

this UI is absolutely beautiful, except for the action bars. there's no action bar customization, and you're stuck with the 'default' blizzard bars.

the bars are the only things stopping me from using that UI
Power auras is great like other people have said, most people won't take the time to set it up, which is the key to it. I am sure you can download setups now with everything preset, but then you have to learn what all the symbols mean, it would be easier to just do it yourself, it doesn't take long to figure it out.

It shines in both pvp and pve, with pve you can set it to never miss the procs and in pvp you can set it to show which buffs somebody has on, if your target has Pain Suppression or a Paly that bubbled (I used to miss the paly bubbles sometimes in BGs when I was at max zoom, wasting a cooldown on a bubble always pissed me off).
this UI is absolutely beautiful, except for the action bars. there's no action bar customization, and you're stuck with the 'default' blizzard bars.

the bars are the only things stopping me from using that UI
I thought the exact thing myself. I was generally hesitant to use any UI that was completely by .lua files, and no interface in game to toy around with options. However, there are quite a few bar options in the .lua, and you can really get it to do anything any standard bar mod can do without much effort. You may find it easier to just replace the bar mod with something else though.
I started playing this again last week.

God damnit.

Anyway, critique this, because I know it sucks.


Off-center doesn't work here.. Why is your target frame dead nuts in the center of the screen? You could use a hud variant to capture that.. hideous..

Your grouping of shite in the lower right is just haphazardly placed.

:rofl: Speaking of which this will be the third week in a row we will be pulling Anub with 50 Attempts. Last week we killed him 49 /facepalm.

Anyway we were clearing to Yogg so we can sit at him and attempt Yogg zero when ever we feel like it. Surprisingly, our server hasn't killed Yogg Zero yet o_0

Loto, if you must know, since you PM'd me with why I'm not in the guild anymore (stalker) I left mostly because of raid conflicts in addition to differing views with one of the GM's. The unfortunate part is about a month and a half prior to that Adrenaline brought himself and a bunch of pals over so I had to leave a few of them behind which I felt pretty bad about. But now that I'm seeing the personality from that same GM...I'm not sure I feel so bad anymore. Besides, a lot of the people in the guild are quitting after ICC so I'd have to find a new guild regardless.
:rofl: Speaking of which this will be the third week in a row we will be pulling Anub with 50 Attempts. Last week we killed him 49 /facepalm.

Anyway we were clearing to Yogg so we can sit at him and attempt Yogg zero when ever we feel like it. Surprisingly, our server hasn't killed Yogg Zero yet o_0

Loto, if you must know, since you PM'd me with why I'm not in the guild anymore (stalker) I left mostly because of raid conflicts in addition to differing views with one of the GM's. The unfortunate part is about a month and a half prior to that Adrenaline brought himself and a bunch of pals over so I had to leave a few of them behind which I felt pretty bad about. But now that I'm seeing the personality from that same GM...I'm not sure I feel so bad anymore. Besides, a lot of the people in the guild are quitting after ICC so I'd have to find a new guild regardless.

well you never did respond to that pm! :(

i like keeping track of my stk amigos!