You raff yuo roose v.3871

Lego Introduces New Sharper Bricks That Instantly Kill You When You Step On Them


Walmart Discontinues Auto Part Sales To Prevent Car Accidents
BENTONVILLE, AR—In a bold move intended to curb the thousands of deaths from vehicles each and every day, Walmart has decided to stop selling auto parts, sources confirmed Tuesday.

According to shocking reports, people have purchased car parts at Walmart and then those cars have been involved in accidents, proving a direct correlation between selling auto parts and causing deaths.

"We can no longer be complicit in an industry that kills over 3,000 people a day," said a spokesperson for Walmart. "Every time we sell a muffler, steering wheel cover, or flame decal, we are potentially causing the death of a person, and we cannot support that any longer."

"It's clear that bad drivers and poor road conditions don't cause vehicular deaths---cars do."

Walmart executives said they are beating themselves with a stick to atone for the deaths they've already caused.

"Our consciences will only be clean when we've been mercilessly beaten once for each of the millions of deaths that have been caused by automobiles since Walmart began selling auto parts," said one executive before solemnly beginning to beat himself with a baseball bat.

When I went down to the woods today, I wasn't expecting this surprise!' Dog owner is left mortified as her pet Flossie uncovers a SEX TOY during their woodland walk
Sara Middleton took one of her five Basset Hounds out on a walk in the woods
Flossie disappeared for a while but re-emerged with a pink sex toy in her mouth
Owner, who is a firefighter in Northumberland, claims she carried it for 2 miles


even if you hate Paul Joseph Watson, watch the parts from the convention at least.
it is worth it ;)
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Least Masculine Society In Human History Decides Masculinity Is A Growing Threat
As society becomes increasingly dominated by nerds, hipsters, and computer programmers, people have fixated on what they think is our biggest problem: masculinity.

“It’s just toxic and causes nothing but problems,” said Elisha Mcewen, a vegan activist and no threat whatsoever to spiders or tight jar lids. “I was sharing my feelings on masculinity with other men in my drum circle, and we all agreed that if we ever encountered masculinity, we would run far away.”

Masculinity is said to have in the past been the cause of such things as violence, war, bullying, defeating the Nazis, carving society out of untamed wilderness, and landing men on the moon, but now masculinity is being driven out of society to make sure nothing like those things ever happens again. However, there are reports that masculinity still lurks out there, which is a source of anxiety to modern men and causes them to have upset tummies.

“I am just so worried that somewhere out there someone is still knowingly producing testosterone,” said Wyatt Lockhart, a Twitch streamer who had never thrown a punch outside of a video game. “I constantly have to find a safe place to calm down just thinking about it.”

Duke Miller, a Marine sergeant and one of the few remaining examples of traditional masculinity, was asked about his feelings on the negative view of masculinity, but he seemed confused by the word “feelings” and then punched out an elk just because.

So hard to decern satire from today's regressive left.
Google Rep Issues Heartfelt Apology For Anti-Conservative Bias While Wearing ‘Kill All Republicans’ T-Shirt
MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Google has released a video in which one of the company’s representatives apologizes for anti-conservative bias, as revealed in a recent video obtained by Breitbart.

The representative issued a heartfelt apology toward conservative Google users while wearing a “Kill All Republicans” T-shirt throughout the video.

“We are so sorry that you fascist, conservative ingrates had to see that,” he said. “We want Google to be completely free from bias, even against Republicans who need to die violent deaths for disagreeing with us. That’s what inclusivity is all about.”

“It’s our mission that everyone be included, even hopelessly backward conservative people that we’d like to exterminate from the planet,” he added, before confirming that the company is in fact close to a breakthrough on technology to do just that.

At the end of the video, the representative smiles warmly and assures Google customers that the company will continue to strive for unbiased products and services, before the footage cuts to him beating a Trump supporter to death with a Chromebook.

yeah at some magic age you either shouldn't have anything

or need anything

or be rich enough to have other people carry it for you

I am pretty sure that is what the goblin is getting at (who we shouldn't make fun of)
Damn... I still dress like I just got off the beach so I wonder if there is an age limit for the way I dress?

Cael, do levis have an age restriction?
Damn... I still dress like I just got off the beach so I wonder if there is an age limit for the way I dress?

Cael, do levis have an age restriction?

nothing wrong with the way we do anything

if it is wrong i don't want to be right

this reminds me of the I <3 Halliburton tshirt days

and how that would legit get us denied entry from Canada these days (from that post you made in the I believe TELE-Vision thread)


We still got it and always will
nothing wrong with the way we do anything

if it is wrong i don't want to be right

this reminds me of the I <3 Halliburton tshirt days

and how that would legit get us denied entry from Canada these days (from that post you made in the I believe TELE-Vision thread)


We still got it and always will
I still have that shirt. :lol: