You raff yuo roose v.3871

Just further proof that Philadelphia and it's shitty fan bases are total garbage.

Also, thanks fool for returning thread back to raff roose. i <3 u. (no homo)
I have honestly never heard of this blogger person. What has she contributed to the industry?

she was a shitty game reviewer who claimed she was a "gamer", despite a 2010 video of her saying she not a fan of video games. Of course this was well after she scammed people out of 160,000 dollars on kickstarter to fund 5 web videos about "Tropes Vs. Women in video games" supposedly she took down comments on her video's because they were targeted because of this kickstarter and not the following

She showed poor knowledge about the videogames she did review and attempted to spin a feminist manhating cloud on games like Bayonetta (character designed by a woman). She claimed that Bayonetta was a single mother in the video game (both untrue) and later deleted the video.

In her video titled "Women as Background Decoration" she stated that the objective of Hitman: Absolution was to kill innocent strippers for "perverse pleasure" despite the game penalizing you for killing innocent people and you were supposed to sneak past the strippers without being noticed.

she then exposed her full on Feminist agenda a day after the Marysville Pilchuck high school shooting. Claiming "we must discuss toxic masculinity" in our culture and boys.

There's also some evidence to lead people to suspect that she may have faked most of her death threats she supposedly recieved.
Did Anita Sarkeesian Fake Death Threats Against Herself?

she has surrounded herself with other feminists likes of Zoe Quinn the bitch famous for releasing a shitty "videogame" (Depression Quest)

then bitched about the sexism of men in video games when people critiqued it as shit, and then 5 guys

who she had slept with (video game journalists) came to her aid along with SJW's whiteknighting for her and shamed a community of nobodies now more widely known as Gamergate.

to date Anita has yet to complete her kickstarter campaign that was supposed to be completed by August 2012...
I gave you rep because you put in a lot of effort documenting some random Internet shithead.

Sounds like the lunacy of Jack Thompson but without the lawsuits.
i seriously had hope that this thread would have grown with three pages of lolz

turns out it's a fucking discussion about some fucking feminist in games

which Amadeus is defending

god damnit
idk i guess it's funny b/c she looks more like a floating skull than any of the jews piled up in the camp liberation pics