You know what feels ridiculously good ?

wtf? every time I get a haircut, no matter where I go, it's always a fat chick. They seem to either have no feeling in their nether regions or just like to bump&grind on my bows. Been to a few different places and the result is always the same. Been like that since I can remember too. There's some kind of fat hairstylist coochie friction epidemic afoot here. Salons are the exception, but I hardly ever shell out the cash for a cut there.
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My hairstylist gives me a 3-4 minute slow massage in between the shampooing and conditioning. I absolutely love her for it, especially because I don't see her doing it for anyone else. It's very relaxing and I feel special :p
i've been using the same vietnamese hairstylist for several years and i got a few freebies to start, but eventually had to start paying. she's a real cutie.

probably just a little over 35. i dunno if it's an asian thing about concentration or what, but she takes a lot of time with my hair. it's a solid 25+ minute haircut before shampoo. i guess she does it to everyone though. she does a bang-up job - always perfect.

she has lots of regulars and sometimes we butt heads. one time i called her to make sure she was there, but it took me a few hours to show up.

another dude showed up after we got started and said "but i just called... damn it takes so long!" he had to wait like a bitch though. but it's cool... we all followed her when she found a different job.
My hairstylist gives me a 3-4 minute slow massage in between the shampooing and conditioning. I absolutely love her for it, especially because I don't see her doing it for anyone else. It's very relaxing and I feel special :p

i hate fat or smokers as haircutters

i once got my haircut by a overweight woman and i could smell shit on her hands.
and smokers smell bad too
I always tell them don't bother to shampoo my hair (it's already shampooed why do it again?). guess I'll have to let them do it next time to see if I get a boner.
$5 in Ecuador gets you a haircut, close shave, and a neck/scalp/face massage. That shit was the only thing I liked about that country, got my hair cut like once a week.