wtf has twich devolved into lol

normies never invented anything that is y it is so infuriating when they ruin original content w/ their bandwagon normie shit
that aint no fat
normies def didn't invent incel lol ru 60

yeah is boxy in porn now

nah iirc boxxy went the opposite direction and hosted a web show about animals for kids or some shit and then faded away into mediocrity

also this thread is odd cause im p sure this chick doesn't have a twitch channel so not sure what this has to do with twitch

she's just an insta thot/troll
groove, don't bring facts to grandpa normie's interwebs.

wait until they find out about snapchat, kik and tiktok.

oh god tiktok
Tik Tok is for 16 year old American girls that want to shake their brand new breasts and have hordes of horny old guys feeding them attention so they can develop a textbook massive ego based on having accomplished absolutely nothing in life so they can sign on for a full lifespan devoid of learning, self-assessment, accountability, and any sort of skill development before they blow up into the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters 5 years later when they discover alcohol and one-night-stands.

my favorite was the people drinking the bath water from her and getting sick

guy who lost his irl gf when she opened the box and found this bath water shit in it


the jokes just keep on going
Tik Tok is for 16 year old American girls that want to shake their brand new breasts and have hordes of horny old guys feeding them attention so they can develop a textbook massive ego based on having accomplished absolutely nothing in life so they can sign on for a full lifespan devoid of learning, self-assessment, accountability, and any sort of skill development before they blow up into the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters 5 years later when they discover alcohol and one-night-stands.


and the worst part, worse than this

is them making far more money per month (like 10x) than people with graduate degrees in engineering

and those engineers being forced to go to constant diversity and sexual harassment classes about how women don't make as much as men do in tech and how by law more of them need to be accepted into upper management and board level positions simply because of their genitalia

i honestly don't know who the dumb and smart ones are anymore

i'm not in that position in life anymore (if ever)
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10x the money per year

20 years

The joke will be on them around our 200th Birthday

before then :lol:

and this assumes they don't just marry some rich stupid dork and suck all his funds out of him on top of that
and the worst part, worse than this

is them making far more money per month (like 10x) than people with graduate degrees in engineering

and those engineers being forced to go to constant diversity and sexual harassment classes about how women don't make as much as men do in tech and how by law more of them need to be accepted into upper management and board level positions simply because of their genitalia

i honestly don't know who the dumb and smart ones are anymore

i'm not in that position in life anymore (if ever)

The fact that women makes hundreds of thousands of dollars every year by simply pressing "da button" on their smart phone camera doesn't line up with the whole "life is unfair and our gender is being victimized" thing, so it never gets brought up or counted as reality.

Jen Selter (@jenselter) • Instagram photos and videos

^ This woman takes a picture of herself while holding a Pepsi and roughly 13 million people will see it. ^

You'll never hear women protesting against this. Newp. Along with a long list of other fantastic advantages that women have.

"Being an ugly woman is kind of like being a man. You're gonna have to work." -Daniel Tosh

Ever seen a super hot homeless woman? Yeah, that is because they don't exist.

There is so much hate, anger, and toxicity directed towards men these days. It is pretty incredible. It's all a part of our degrading culture. Our culture is getting worse and worse. It will not get better. I'm certain.
tbf i haven't seen any hot homeless men either altho i guess some of them would have that 0% bodyfat junkie chic if u shaved&bathed them