Worst popular actor of our times

For me it is Colin Farrell.

However, I somehow have enjoyed many movies he has been in.


There's a quote from Ari in Entourage where he goes, "One bad movie could be overcome... look at Colin Farrell, he's overcome dozens of 'em. Cuz the perception of him is - he's a movie star."

Can he carry a movie where he doesn't play himself?

List of highest paid film actors - Wikipedia

Tom Cruise - Awards - IMDb

The dude makes a ton of money and basically outside of the late 80's/early 90's the guy hasn't done shit except for Jerry Maguire and Magnolia (supporting).

Possibly one of the most popular actors and quite demonstrably unrecognized by his industry for his work.

Most of you people are listing complete shitheads that only star in movies for high school kids... Vin Diesel? People consider this guy a popular actor?
Can he carry a movie where he doesn't play himself?

List of highest paid film actors - Wikipedia

Tom Cruise - Awards - IMDb

The dude makes a ton of money and basically outside of the late 80's/early 90's the guy hasn't done shit except for Jerry Maguire and Magnolia (supporting).

Possibly one of the most popular actors and quite demonstrably unrecognized by his industry for his work.

Most of you people are listing complete shitheads that only star in movies for high school kids... Vin Diesel? People consider this guy a popular actor?

I'm trying to figure out if you are for or against his acting skillz.

I used to always dismiss him as an actor but now I think he's kind of alright baby, I mean look at Les Grossman, that's a star performance right there :). He was almost convincing as Jack Reacher which is a real stretch if you have read the books (one of the worst pieces of casting ever)
seconding jlaw, tho i haven't seen hungry games. she also looks like she's having an allergy attack 24/7 for someone who is considered attractive
Jim Carrey. I hate every single movie he has been in. Both him and Adam Sadler are one dimensional shit shows with the emotional range of a carrot.
I don't have strong feelings about Nick Cage one way or the other, but he is the lead in one of my favorite movies of all time, Adaptation. Adaptation is a masterpiece IMO but it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
Like i said cage is good if he tries he just doesnt care lol

Dudes made how many movies and is still in debt lol
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Yea Cage will basically star in whatever direct-to-DVD a russian or chinese money launderer wants to make.

Hell that should be the plot of his next film.
Yea Cage will basically star in whatever direct-to-DVD a russian or chinese money launderer wants to make.

Hell that should be the plot of his next film.

it appears to be a small club in hollywood these days

as opposed to the long glorious big club

you are either in or your are out

cage and keanu both stuck doing these types of movies to keep employed

same with tom cruize and his Chinese funded mission impossible 75 movies

either they suck or everyone in hollywood sucks more

or it all stinks idk anymore

I just watched "Siberia" with Keanu......I want to take the ending of it (which was pretty good tbh) and pretend it is John Wick 3 and spoil it for everyone (since he plays the same character imo).....

but that is an effort troll and I just gave it away

I really like Keanu....one of the best individuals to ever exist in or out of the movie industry in my mind.

I have mixed feelings on Cage, but was reading an article the other day about how he spent all this time learning whatever native american language they were using in "Windtalkers" and it kept pissing off the director. The director kept telling him it wasn't his job to learn it. Yet Cage insisted that it would make his character better and that in real life his character would have put in that kind of effort......

hard for me to hate that guy the more i learn about him

strange dude but sort of interesting none the less....i just wish he were far more selective on the garbage he was in.

an actor is only as good as what they are given to work with in my mind.

the above list has been given shit and are trying to turn it into gold

the j-law and jonah hill crew are given gold and turn it to dirt

so most of it end up in the middle.....

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Well he did manage to blow $150M on dinosaur skulls, pygmy heads, and Caribbean islands.