
I work 4X12 and it is nice getting a little OT and on the other hand getting three days off. I get two weekends! Work Tues/Wed and Fri/Sat

hello moto
ive been on vacation for 6mo. outta $ now, but finally startin to get back in shape n not lookin fw to sittin behind puter 4 60hrs/wk again. im v srsly considern doin outside labor job for awhile. did concrete in hs, may do that.
ive been on vacation for 6mo. outta $ now, but finally startin to get back in shape n not lookin fw to sittin behind puter 4 60hrs/wk again. im v srsly considern doin outside labor job for awhile. did concrete in hs, may do that.

I'm shoveling gravel today. My friends are rich and do IT work but they dont like me anymore because they're fat and puffy and their girlfriends want 2 sleep w me.