Woman hopes to become world's fattest


Veteran X

Woman hopes to become world's fattest

OLD BRIDGE, N.J. — This girl’s dreaming big!

Donna Simpson, 42, of Old Bridge, N.J., already tips the scales at 600 pounds but says she won’t be satisfied until she’s porked herself up to 1,000 - to grab the title of world’s fattest woman, the London Dail Mail reported.

That’s why she’s gone on a junkfood jihad. But Simpson has given herself two years to hit the millennium mark. She earns her chow bucks - a whopping 750 clams a week - with a Web site where men pay her to watch her eat fast food.

“I love eating and people love watching me eat,” Simpson said. “It makes people happy, and I’m not harming anyone.”

“I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favorite,” she said. She’s also fond of burgers and fries - an important part of her 12,000-calorie-a-day diet - and carefully avoids exercise. Simpson already holds the Guinness World Record as the fattest mom, 532 pounds when she gave birth in 2007. She says boyfriend Philippe, 49, eggs her on. “I think he’d like it if I was bigger. He’s a real belly man.”

Woman hopes to become world's fattest - Weird News - Canoe.ca

Cliffs: Nom,nom,nom,nom,nom...

Best thing is that I'm not harming anyone?

How about yourself you obese piece of shit. Other than that, no she isn't hurting anyone.


he says boyfriend Philippe, 49, eggs her on. “I think he’d like it if I was bigger. He’s a real belly man.”

This story is great in every aspect.
She'd gain more weight eating spaghetti and dinner rolls. I'm sure she gets around to eating whole pizzas like snacks.
it'd be cool if she was also planning on losing it all after she broke the record

Or if she tried to bungee jump or do something that fatties can't do like that.

I'd pay to watch her bungee jump, the fatness surrounding her would cause hilarity.
"a real belly man"

hes prolly been fucking a fold and not actual vigina for many years now and does not kn ow any better.
She's going to be "Worlds Biggest Loser" and break all the records. They're already having someone on there who breaks 200 lbs.

Speaking of game shows, anyone see the premier of "Minute to win it?"
Most interesting game is called Don't Blow The Joker. Put a deck of cards on top of a beer bottle, blow them off leaving the last card, which is the joker. Chick couldn't do it, but still won 50k.

Oh, and Rich Sanchez is a murderer.