Wii outsells 360, PS3, and PSP

I never finished Super Mario Galaxy, but Metroid was a great game.

Still all the cool Wii games are coming sometime 2009/2010 (Madworld, The Conduit, No More Heroes 2, Punch-Out). Deadly Creatures looks interesting though..
The Wii had double the sales of the 360 after the fake $199 version of the 360. The Wii is not a niche, it's clearly the majority. It's the 360 and PS3 that are "niche" consoles right now, hardcore gamers just don't want to admit they're the minority.

nah. the wii is the niche when it comes to the people who use the consoles. The only reason it has sold so much is because of clueless parents. (they here something is popular and they buy it 3 years later) The kids who own them are embarrassed when they have to say they own a wii. They know the 360 rules.
I know this, I'm surrounded by kids in the 8-15 age range.
Perhaps, but you're assuming there's a ton of stupid parents judging from the 2:1 sales ratio (3:1 in November so far).
just look at what titles are being played. hell i bet if blockbuster released numbers about whta games were checked out/not available for rent the most, the xbox would dominate

further there are many articles that state there is alot of evidence that supports the idea that game sales directly correlate with the avg of game reviews. simply look up a site like metacritic or gamerankings.com and you will see the amount of releases on the wii is a joke

its america, stupid shit sells all the time
Yes I'm sure Microsoft wants to be the top of the rental charts. You know, individual copies of games shared by many for which they don't receive any extra money from.
rentals are an indication of game sales? you could even compare them in turns of volume - they're practically the exact same market.

if a game is a top seller it will also be continuosly checked out?

if a game sucks no ones going to rent it?

even top games like gta4 flood blockbusters because of promotions
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all of my posts about the wii can be summed up and simplified to a single sentence:

the game library is terrible. (and this is a result of nintendo HQ's decisions)
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i firmly believe, but can not prove with fact, that the xbox 360 is the #1 played console in the USA by gamers older than 14. there might be some incredible amount of local wii multiplayer action going on, in which case i'd fall back and say the 360 is the #1 played console by ppl who play games on at least 3 days of the week

btw i dont play my 360 very much
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I cant really name more than 2 "must have" games for any of the new systems. Most of the games that are any good are better on PC, but i could never wii bowl on my PC.
rentals are an indication of game sales? you could even compare them in turns of volume - they're practically the exact same market.

if a game is a top seller it will also be continuosly checked out?

if a game sucks no ones going to rent it?

even top games like gta4 flood blockbusters because of promotions

Currently around here the hard ones to get are Mario Cart, Little Big Planet, GoW2, and Resistance 2.

All systems have their must haves.... Mario Cart would prolly dominate that rental battle though. LBP looks to be freaking huge also.
i firmly believe, but can not prove with fact, that the xbox 360 is the #1 played console in the USA by gamers older than 14

The Wii accounts for nearly 50% of this generations consoles. It will soon have more in homes than the PS3 and 360 combined. Even if half the people who own Wii's never played them, they would still be dangerously close to surpassing your completely unprovable theory. Hell considering the 30% failure rate of 360's you could make the argument that the lost playing time due to console repair would negate your theory.
the amount of horus on xbox live is calculated, and is definetly staggering. ppl on xbox live id venture easily avg 4-6 hours a week. what the fuck are people playing on the wii that long?

all i've heard is mario kart, and last i remember that came out in like may. and theres no voice chat or typing. i mean the thing still isnt viable online.

btw since october that are at least 10 games for the 360 that are pretty damn good.

(NFl/NBA/SOccer) you can pick 2
prinec of persia
mirrors edge
left 4 dead
far cry

all of these games you can buy or rent, pop into your xbox (no install), and immediately start playing with friends (not friend-codes) with voice chat/integration/simple drop and join lobbies

ya know, this really reads like an xbox fanboy post, and i feel kinda bad about htat, but its really just simple facts
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Perhaps, but you're assuming there's a ton of stupid parents judging from the 2:1 sales ratio (3:1 in November so far).

it seems like a stretch but parents really are clueless about this type of stuff. Unless your a cool dad like myself.