Why do some gay people act super gay?

I don't mind gay guys but some of the lezo's I've known can be very annoying with huge chips on their shoulders. Fucking bitches. Mostly the butch ones.

Gay men who are not of the SJW variety but still really gay also don't get along with lesbians.
disco was made and invented by blacks. whites borrowed it like everything else, except possibly gaydom, their one true cultural innovation
Open homosexuality has exploded in the black community in Houston, I swear it seems like every 3rd black male I meet is gay.
disco was made and invented by blacks. whites borrowed it like everything else, except possibly gaydom, their one true cultural innovation

You spelled sand niggers wrong

Historicity. Sodom and Gomorrah are possibly located under or adjacent to the shallow waters south of Al-Lisān, a former peninsula in the central part of the Dead Sea in Israel that now fully separates the sea's northern and southern basins.

sodomy etymology


Middle English: from medieval Latin sodomia, from late Latin peccatum Sodomiticum ‘sin of Sodom’ (after Gen. 19:5, which implies that the men of Sodom practiced homosexual rape) (see Sodom).
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You spelled sand niggers wrong

sodomy etymology

in ancient times raping men up the ass was not considered gay. it was just a common way to get your dick off without causing pregnancy. "original birth control". they did not know about semen and sperms.

plus, everyone in the bible was white. adam and eve - Google Search

it was whites that started wearing short shorts and sprinkling fairy dust around like a bunch of queers. some have said gay culture is just what you get when white men are allowed to do whatever they want without wasting time on women or blacks.
The gays make some good music.

Get high and listen to this full album. One of those long albums where they not in a hurry, bit like Pink Floyd. Good work for 1984.

WELCOME TO THE PLEASUREDOME (Complete Album) By Frankie Goes To Hollywood - YouTube

I have not posted in this 7 page thread yet,
but let me guess, Amadeus has kept it going...

anyway, I've used the above album several times while making sweet love
Queen had an awesome gay singer
I love David Bowie....

but being gay is not 'normal' and their mindset is not family oriented
They have problems because of their confused minds
sorry, must be a real tough life