Why do people think they can stand in a parking spot to hold it?

No offense but i have yet to meet a cop who would tell a mother, who has kids to move, over a guy in his early w/e's over the woman.

Weird group of cops
It isn't a matter of her having kids and wanting the spot. Any way you cut it, it's a matter of her standing in the street trying to (wrongly) hold a spot. AND by not moving, she is doing exactly the definition of disorderly conduct - obstructing traffic. Parking spots are first come, first serve, for people driving cars. If she's not driving a car, that spot isn't hers, no matter how many trillions of kids she may have.
I am going to inform Ron Paul that a member of his fan club is a complete and total asshole. I'm sure that once he hears of this, he'll revoke your membership on grounds of your actions being contrary to the founding fathers and the constitution of the United States of America.

Don't be surprised if your next issue of the Ron Paul newsletter has a great big ole' FUCK YOU!, John Hancock style, signature on it.
forgive me if my answers/comments aren't in any particular order or organized appropriately. i've been writing things as i've been reading your responses in this thread. cliff notes: you're wrong about a lot of things you've said.

dear: dumpy dooby, esq.:

you should know that contributory negligence doctrines vary by state. some are a complete bar to recovery. some aren't.

if you intentionally hit someone with your car, there's no fucking way you're innocent, civilly or criminally. my guess is that you've exhibited prima facie reckless behavior. you should read up on the "eggshell skull" doctrine.

damages? you knock her over, she breaks a hip. hospitalization, pain and sufferring, can't work for 8 weeks @ $2,500/week. attorney's fees. punitive damages for being an asshole. you might have to sell the house bro. at the very least, if they find a lawyer to take the case, you're out $5K paying a defense lawyer. still worth it?

oh, you said you didn't hit her? well, remember that eggshell skull thing? turns out mrs. space hog has a mental illness and now will no longer walk in parking garages. this really sucks for her, since she has to park in one each day to get to work. so instead, her husband has to take her every day, which costs a few dollars in gas, some time delays, etc. these things might add up over 10 years though! uh oh, wait... her lawyer is really greedy though, and wants to claim intentional affliction of emotional distress (yes, that's a real thing!) once again, you gotta pay a lawyer 5-10k to defend you.

if you commit an act for which the consequences are reasonably foreseeable to cause harm, you've probably committed the tort of negligence. in your case, your act was KNOWING, not simply negligent. "knowingly" committing an act is a little higher up on the totem pole of offenses. we'd have to see what your state says.

assault with a deadly weapon? most state statutes don't define deadly weapon to include vehicles. automobiles generally get their own chapter in the state code. nice job pulling that one out of your ass, btw. by the way, what makes you "highly doubt those charges would stick?" are you a lawyer or just a really good guesser?
I know what eggshell skull is (you seem to be mildly confused, or you're just being a bit overzealous), and I doubt it would stick in this case. She would have to prove that she has such a mental disorder, which would require a psychological evaluation. I wouldn't be burdened with having to falsify her claim since I'm the defendant. You can't just make shit up on whim like that.
It isn't a matter of her having kids and wanting the spot. Any way you cut it, it's a matter of her standing in the street trying to (wrongly) hold a spot. AND by not moving, she is doing exactly the definition of disorderly conduct - obstructing traffic. Parking spots are first come, first serve, for people driving cars. If she's not driving a car, that spot isn't hers, no matter how many trillions of kids she may have.

sounds discriminatory against trucks, and motorcycles. how about u be a little more compassionate
Some idiot did this to my sister, so she told a meter maid, an old grumpy butch meter maid, who must have been 15 feet away from the spot. She promptly bitched the guy out of the spot. It was a great show.

Women who work civic jobs don't take shit from anyone.
Some idiot did this to my sister, so she told a meter maid, an old grumpy butch meter maid, who must have been 15 feet away from the spot. She promptly bitched the guy out of the spot. It was a great show.

Women who work civic jobs don't take shit from anyone.
I'd have told the meter maid to go fuck herself, and I would have requested to know her badge number (do they have those?) and the name of her supervisor.

What I did might be viewed as impolite to some, but I broke no laws, and I should most definitely not be subjected to the idiocy of some stupid fucking butch-dike pissy meter maid cunt. Now in THAT situation, I definitely would have asked, "On a scale of 1-10, how angry did I just make you?" :lol: