Why are so many black teenage males in jail?

Originally Posted by Amadeus View Post
Here's a question, to nobody in particular:

Is it reasonable to expect people to try to integrate into a society that takes it as an axiom that they are incapable of doing so, and treats them with a priori disdain and suspicion?

I dont think anybody treats them like that. They're treated according to how they act and their nature is the horrible truth america will one day realize. Indians are the highest income earning group in the US, next to asians. Its not racism thats holding back black people its black people.
It's not even an America thing

it is far easier to prove in Africa

look at South Africa now

they are just taking the land.....the jobs at force because they make up the majority

they think that controlling something is all that matters.....they care not about how it runs and the work it takes to maintain. they want the benefits without the work and the money without the sacrifice.

Eskom must shed 1 081 white engineers | News24

Johannesburg - Eskom has to reduce the number of white engineers by 1 081 and white artisans by 2 179 in order to comply with strict new government requirements, according to a report by specialist labour writer Jan de Lange in the Sunday newspaper Rapport.

The new directives require embattled Eskom, the best performing public enterprise in the affirmative action race, to ensure that these two key job categories become “completely reflective of the national and regional demographics” by 2020.

Some 6 530 people, of whom 30% or 1 786 are white, currently occupy “professional and mid-management” positions at Eskom.

These are mostly engineers.

1 081 white employees in these categories, where 70,6% of employees are currently black, need to be shed until 705 remain.

Eskom wants to get rid of white engineers and managers

the result?

Eskom Intensifies South Africa Power Cuts as More Units Fail

Power Struggle: Electricity Outages Hit South Africa Months Before Election - WSJ

exactly what anyone over 100 IQ expected


Johannesburg once the jewel of the continent now just another 3rd world shithole

you don't have to believe in basic lessons to learn them over and over again
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They were pack animals, nothing more. The work would have eventually been done by whites, if there was no other option. You act like they invented silicon chips. They did some manual labor at the direction of whites.

No way dude

The Hurst Castle and even White House wouldn't be there if it weren't for those Hispanic Gardeners

Trump tower wouldn't even be a tower if it weren't for Alejandra folding those pillow cases and Rosarita doing the linens

checkmate bigots

this is why Mexico is so shitty......wypepo took all the good help
I dont think anybody treats them like that. They're treated according to how they act and their nature is the horrible truth america will one day realize. Indians are the highest income earning group in the US, next to asians. Its not racism thats holding back black people its black people.
Yeah, because this entire thread isn't one big circle jerk about how black people are inferior because they're black. :rolleyes:
don't cry little brony there will always be cartoons for u to watch and learn from

because without slavery you wouldn't be what you are today

you wouldn't have anything to show for others labor


these are the greatest places on earth according to modern day slavery indexes

wouldn't you agree?

i mean talk about advanced

Yeah, because this entire thread isn't one big circle jerk about how black people are inferior because they're black. :rolleyes:
Actually this thread is full of you making excuses. The IQ stats aren't really up for debate. Africans are the dumbest humans. It's not because of their skin color that's for fucking sure. But it doesn't change the fact.
Yeah a circle jerk of facts you don't like hearing.

No one here made that shit up.. it is on record.

Stupid pedophile
“Long-term welfare recipients have extremely low cognitive abilities, at least as measured by traditional IQ tests. This is true for all races”

Honestly this is the only truth. Want to systematically dumb down a race, culture, whatever, just give them free shit. As far as Africa goes, it’s mostly the lack of available good nutrition in most areas.

I know most of you want to believe you’re smarter because of your DNA, but dna is really not the end all beat all.
“Long-term welfare recipients have extremely low cognitive abilities, at least as measured by traditional IQ tests. This is true for all races”

Honestly this is the only truth. Want to systematically dumb down a race, culture, whatever, just give them free shit. As far as Africa goes, it’s mostly the lack of available good nutrition in most areas.

I know most of you want to believe you’re smarter because of your DNA, but dna is really not the end all beat all.

Care to back these claims? DNA is at least half the equation. And why is there a lack of good nutrition in most areas? Lack of fertile lands? Or lack of people smart enough to work those lands? The rest of the world seems to have developed well enough despite lack of food. Maybe if the Africans would stop warring for a fucking second and start building functional agricultural systems (themselves) things would turn around?
Care to back your DNA is at least half the equation claim?

please don't be like Amadeus......be a good boomer

next u will try to say it is ok to fuck kids

The IQ trap: how the study of genetics could transform education

The data both from twin studies and DNA analysis are unambiguous: intelligence is strongly heritable. Typically around 50 per cent of variations in intelligence between individuals can be ascribed to genes, although these gene-induced differences become markedly more apparent as we age. As Ritchie says: like it or not, the debate about whether genes affect intelligence is over.

I mean no amount of college going to fix down syndrome

no matter how much you two pretend otherwise
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Quit being such a communist!

Communist? If I was a communist I’d support welfare. My argument is the handouts do more harm than good. I’m willing to bet you find a white or Asian family on its 3rd or 4th generation of handouts you will see sub 90 IQs, possibly sub 80.
Amadeus couldn't get past this point because his sjw rainbow power religion will not allow it

Typically around 50 per cent of variations in intelligence between individuals can be ascribed to genes

one more time for those who are slow


and/or intentionally deaf dumb and blinded by their own feelz over reals

Typically around 50 per cent

let this soak in plz
Communist? If I was a communist I’d support welfare. My argument is the handouts do more harm than good. I’m willing to bet you find a white or Asian family on its 3rd or 4th generation of handouts you will see sub 90 IQs, possibly sub 80.

people no longer have to try when everything is given to them

this is absolutely true and noted

but also different from people who can't try or do even when fully movtivated

that is the point we are making here

you can't get a black person out of bed before noon if it doesn't involve a ball sport and 20+ million dollar a year compensation

where in Colin Kaepernick's case he got all of that and still called it 100% analogous to slavery

and took a knee until the league gave him an additional 60-80 million in reparations
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You stupid fucks need to research shit before opening your mouth and proving to everyone how fucking dumb you really are
it is like saying a midget could have won a game of who is the tallest in the NBA

a person with no arms and legs could have beat Michael Phelps in swimming

that a Mongoloid could be the next Hawkins

if only we would have given them more college!!!!!

I mean it takes some serious bullshitting to buy this

the kind that the special olympics don't even believe in


and trans men are shattering records in predominantly female sports over atm