Why are so many black teenage males in jail?

i dunno man
if you elect people that make voting more impossible for certain segments of society, then even though you have 'no beef' with someone of a particular population, you are still kind of shitting on them

our lt governor is a real pile of shit, for instance

it's not like this has been posted here several times or anything
I believe there is no excuse to not be able to prove your citizenship to be able to vote. If you are not smart enough to be able to figure out how to get a legal ID, I don’t want you voting.
yeah black people are just stupid

it has nothing to do with slavery and then everything that was done after slavery was abolished to continue to keep black people from: going to good schools, living in good neighborhoods, or accumulating any sort of wealth or land ownership, stuff that still goes on *to this day*. and add to that jim crow laws that were designed to disproportionately affect black people, a practice that, again, still continues. when did bill clinton sign his stupid crime bill? a drug war that sends black people to jail for life for smoking crack while white people caught with cocaine get diversion programs?

i mean, i get that it's cool here to be super racist but we fucked black people in the ass for hundreds of years and still haven't stopped.
These shit arguments go out the window when you consider the hordes of poor immigrants who come to the west and make decent lives for themselves and their families.

Yeah yeah it was shitty to be black in America, great. Know what's shittier? Being a war refugee. My parents came to Canada with nothing in the early 90s. At that time eastern Europeans were coming over by the boatload. Shortly after it was pakis and Hindus coming in droves, and the Chinese. If they can all succeed without even speaking the native language on arrival, there's no fucking way I'll buy the plight of the blacks who are already here.

Yes they were treated like shit. But it's over. It's been over for a while. There's no excuse any more.

They're not doing well here for the same reasons they're not doing well in Africa. They're just not smart enough.
Black people, poor people, the elderly, and women are far more likely to not have ID or ID that doesn't accurately reflect their current name. They're also demographics that tend to favor democrats. I doubt there's any serious breach of election integrity, though it's possible, but democrats oppose ID laws purely because losing even 10% of the african american vote would cost them elections. If you passed voter ID law, you'd see a program designed to get IDs to everyone before the next election anyway. You'd have that program already if Democrats didn't want to use voter suppression to browbeat.
Can't, hispanics are less likely to have thumbs from uninsured farming accidents.