Who's seeing Harry Potter 3 this weekend?

[MoM] Gort said:
I'm 35, the wife is 40 and we're both going to be standing in line (with our 6-yr old, who is also a fan) early Friday morning. :)

Vanster said:
My own children say this series is shit. Ask them, it's utter shit. This, from kids used to watch fucking Barney and those retarted television pot-bellies or whatever that have the shapes attached to their heads. Complete shit. Won't see it, won't rent it.

Monkey-see, monkey-do. Bet they say "retarted", too.

fucking owned
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Durak said:
Oh btw. Similarities: Trolls, Magic, persistent Evil-Doer, young kid (relative for a hobbit that is :) ) saving the world from certain doom, the list goes on. Have you ever even picked up a LOTR book?

oh fuck this means every RPG i played was a LOTR rip off

Im from the UK and ive already seen it :p and its quite good, im not a big fan of the harry potter series and i havent seen/read the other two. I went to see this because of all the hype, and if it wasnt harry potter then i might call it good :x
Ahh ok. Not sure when I will see it. Pretty busy, but be going first chance I get.
i have decided that all harry potter "haters" are idiots.

Not becuz they hate harry potter, but how they voice said hated.

fucking idiots.
i'm looking forward to this. i actually like the movies. i also out of boredom downloaded the game that came out, so now i've an idea of what's going on. and it beats reading the books
I'm seeing it in <2 hours in a private screening with a bunch of grown up (and possibly elderly) brokers. e... uh... youngster++
if someone pays my way i'd go

otherwise i have no need to waste my money on a probably shitty story, even worse special effects, and watching kids run around waving wands
Pagy said:
if someone pays my way i'd go

otherwise i have no need to waste my money on a probably shitty story, even worse special effects, and watching kids run around waving wands
g0ds gReeN said:
i'm looking forward to this. i actually like the movies. i also out of boredom downloaded the game that came out, so now i've an idea of what's going on. and it beats reading the books

The game is absolutley nothing like the book.
Call me a chump if you like, but I'm gonna see it. I liked the first two movies all right, and I quite enjoy the books, so yeah, I doubt I'll pass this one up.

It's a childish interest, perhaps, but what can I say? I'm young at heart. I'm always willing to immerse myself in a nice, colorful fantasy world, and the Harry Potter franchise is no exception.
Ben Reed said:
Call me a chump if you like, but I'm gonna see it. I liked the first two movies all right, and I quite enjoy the books, so yeah, I doubt I'll pass this one up.

It's a childish interest, perhaps, but what can I say? I'm young at heart. I'm always willing to immerse myself in a nice, colorful fantasy world, and the Harry Potter franchise is no exception.

i think ben just admitted he's a pedo, cause that sounded just like something MJ would say.
gibsonic said:
i think ben just admitted he's a pedo, cause that sounded just like something MJ would say.

Nah, I was never interested sexually in whatsherface who plays Hermione. Same goes for the Olsen twins.

My interest in HP is pure and chaste, like the virgins I defile on a regular basis.
Ben Reed said:
Nah, I was never interested sexually in whatsherface who plays Hermione. Same goes for the Olsen twins.

My interest in HP is pure and chaste, like the virgins I defile on a regular basis.

Hermione is probably a virgin.
gibsonic, im going to my sister's baptist wedding this weekend where i will be unable to dull my pain with alchol... can u believe a "dry wedding"?

i'm also excited to meet some in-laws... i hear they're going to drive me nuts :)