Who is Your Favorite Shakespearean Character....

Morganstern said:
Ohhh Sorry, so close, the answer we were looking for were Shakespearean characters. Grundel is from the Nordic myth of Beowolf (ms).

Ohhh Sorry, so close, the answer you were looking for is Grendel, Grendel would be the monster that Beowulf killed by ripping his arm off.
Nurhil said:
Ohhh Sorry, so close, the answer you were looking for is Grendel, Grendel would be the monster that Beowulf killed by ripping his arm off.

Didn't he rip both of Grendel's arms off?
Darkstrand said:
Macduff or macbeth

macduff was pretty hardcore to fuck macbeth up like he did, I mean after his family getting killed, using camouflage, and all that C-Section jazz.
Waidan said:
Didn't he rip both of Grendel's arms off?

Nope, just one. Then Grendel ran away. Beowulf then swam down into the ocean to kill Grendel's dam (mother) and while he was there finished off Grendel

Don Pedro of Aragon: Officers, what offense have these men done?

Dogberry: Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly; they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves.
SaintDude said:

Don Pedro of Aragon: Officers, what offense have these men done?

Dogberry: Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly; they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves.

Much Ado About Nothing...funny stuff.
Dead Ben said:
It's ok but for his comedy I like Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, or Taming of the Shrew better.

I though Much Ado About Nothing and Taming of the Shrew, both were pretty good and humorous. As You Like It, I have yet to read...
Calamari said:
Iago, the most purely evil character that Shakespeare ever wrote.

Sorry I would have to disagree with you there...Aaron is undoubtly and undisputedly Shakespear's most dark character...literally...though both were Moors...Aaron's evil led to a hellva lot more death, rape, and villiany than Iago could muster.
Nurhil said:
Ohhh Sorry, so close, the answer you were looking for is Grendel, Grendel would be the monster that Beowulf killed by ripping his arm off.

I though it was misspelled...Grendel..Grundel...my mind unfortunately didn't see the difference..
I enjoyed how the director handled the movie. I especially liked how John L. played Tybalt - Prince of Cats. If you have the chance check out Anthony Hopkins (my favorite actor) in Titus. Great fucking movie and everybody was casted perfectly for their roles..
Nurhil said:
Nope, just one. Then Grendel ran away. Beowulf then swam down into the ocean to kill Grendel's dam (mother) and while he was there finished off Grendel

Gotcha. There's no way we could ever know for certain, but I firmly believe Beowulf would beat the crap out of Mr.T in a fair fight.
"Base black is better than another hue as it scorns to bear another hue."

The white swan's legs stay black even though she lay them hourly in the flood."

Two great lines from Aaron.