Who is the best Star Trek character?


Oh wow, nice. Didn't even think of him. DS9 was great because it allowed Trek fans to openly question Roddenberry's vision without saying it sucked. They managed to go to some pretty dark places and the Dominion Arc, as a whole, is the epitome of the franchise
this thread has triggered me to download the DS9 series.... 60gigs on adsl with 15:1 leachers:seeders.... this should be fun :D
[Official] Sisko is a badass thread by Gangrel - TribalWar Forums

yes, i make one of these every time I watch DS9... but this thread will keep a chronicle of all things badass that sisko does

- Sisko has had a job since he was 15
- Sisko was captain of the Academy wrestling team
- Sisko was a veteran of the Borg and Tzenkethi wars
- Sisko commands a space station on border with 2 hostile alien races
- Sisko makes first contact with godlike entities, and is made their emissary
- Sisko helps design what would later become the Defiant
- Sisko commands starfleets first battleship
- Sisko is a successful single father
- Sisko leads a successful campaign in the most brutal war starfleet has faced
- Sisko goes back in time and replaces one of history's most important figures
- Sisko puts himself BACK IN THE HEAT TORTURE BOX to prove a point
- Sisko tells people, his own crew, and his superior officers when they are being morons
- Sisko plays baseball, the american pasttime
- Sisko leaves his baseball behind when DS9 is evacuated, to say he will be returning
- Sisko sponsors the first ferengi to join starfleet
- Sisko was willing to collapse the wormhole to stop the dominion from gaining a foothold
- Sisko saves the terran alliance, and his wife, in another dimension
- Sisko defies direct orders to save one of his crew
- Sisko has facial hair
- Sisko used a solar sail ship to traverse the stars
- Sisko is possessed by an evil trill host, and beats him back
- Sisko is O'Brien's favorite captain
- Sisko nearly destroys the defiant to stop a potential war
- Sisko threatens to fire on allied ships to prove a point
- Sisko isn't bothered by the fact that he gets an allied commander executed
- Sisko subverts an invasion by an ally against direct orders
- Sisko fires the first federation shots in the new Klingon conflict
- Sisko blows the fuck out of a klingon fleet, and wins their surrender
- Sisko kills klingons in close quarters battle
- Sisko knows how to use a batleth
- Sisko convinces Worf to stay in starfleet
- Sisko is not afraid of commitment
- Sisko is the best friend Dax has ever had in 7 lifetimes
- Sisko destroys the earth in the holosuite
- Sisko is made head of Earth security
- Sisko uncovers and prevents a military coup in starfleet
- Sisko threatens to bring Worf up on charges for his extra-starfleet activities
- Sisko sleeps with the alternate Dax
- Sisko leads the alternate Defiant in victorious battle against the Alliance fleet
- Sisko has his own girlfriend arrested as a traitor
- Sisko is forgiving, and still loves her despite her crimes
- Sisko leads a joint Federation and Jem'Hadar strike against superior forces
- Sisko furnishes Quark's bar after he is stripped of all his assets
- Sisko takes the Defiant deep into enemy territory to seek help for one of his men
- Sisko successfully infiltrates the Klingon Empire's most heavily guarded base
- Sisko goes back in time to save Kirk
- Sisko ignores temporal regulations to meet Kirk
- Sisko finds the ancient Bajoran city of Bahala
- Sisko takes a disabled Defiant into victorious battle
- Sisko renders an entire planet uninhabitable to flush out the Maquis
- Sisko captures the elusive Eddington
- Sisko recovers a damaged Jem'Hadar ship
- Sisko convinces the Klingons to re-sign the Kitimer Accords
- Sisko unveils a Dominion plot to cripple the Alpha quadrant before an invasion
- Sisko arranges for Bashir to retain his commission despite his genetic engineering
- Sisko mines the wormhole and sabotages DS9
- Sisko disables a federation ship to continue a mission
- Sisko destroys a ketrecel white facility deep in dominion territory
- Sisko gives the Jem'Hadar a proper burial out of respect
- Sisko is made 2nd in command of the war effort
- Sisko attacks the Dominion fleet to retake DS9
- Sisko convinces the Prophets to annihilate the Dominion reenforcements
- Sisko retakes DS9
- Sisko goes through the marriage ritual with Worf
- Sisko convinces Dax to grow up and marry Worf
- Sisko refuses surrender, and demands the Federation go down fighting
- Sisko and Garak arrange for the Romulans to join the war
- Sisko receives military honors for his actions in the Dominion War
- Sisko plans a successful attack on the Chintaka system
- Sisko was engineered by the prophets
- Sisko holds AR-558

- People in the past
- People in alternate dimensions
- People in another quadrant of space
- People in visions
- Klingons
- A Starfleet Ambassador
- Gul Dukat
- Bashir
- O'Brien
- Dax
- Garak
- Odo
- Cardassians
- Vedic Barial
- Eddington
- Jem'Hadar
- Q
(I would reckon sisko has punched the most alien races out of any captain, though kirk may have beaten him if his series went 7 seasons as well)