Who is going to be the next President?

Trust me buddy. If you didn't vote and/or read a newspaper EVER in your life you wouldn't know the difference. Sad truth but it's the truth. People devote their entire lives to politics and don't make a change so don't try and say that you're making a difference.

Truth be told, if you walked away from reading news about politics and trying to convince people of your viewpoint.. you'd probably live a happier life.

World will be the same whether it's X, Y or Z.

We run this country, not the politicians. The reason things are so fucked up is because of people like you who can't be bothered to care, and because we give them far too much slack and leniency to do what they want.
say hello to our next president gentlemen

We run this country, not the politicians. The reason things are so fucked up is because of people like you who can't be bothered to care, and because we give them far too much slack and leniency to do what they want.
:lol: 'We run this country..' Unless you're a wealthy (likely white, middle aged) person, you're not gonna be able to even have a chance at changing shit. The system gives them the power and we can't change that system unless we radically change the government which will never happen. If Al Gore or John Kerry were president, would we be in Iraq.. maybe, maybe not. But, without question, we'd still have the same number of problems to bitch about, the same parties bitching at each other.

Try it out.. avoid reading politics until after the election is over. You'll notice that you wouldn't have affected anything and in all likelihood will have been a little less stressed out.

I don't think Barack, Rudy, Hillary, John Edwards or any of the front runners are particularly good candidates but the people that waste their time pumping Ron Paul? Good god.. if they spent the same time building a matchstick house, they'd have accomplished more and gotten more results in the same time.

Oh I understand the point 'I'm just one guy, why does it matter if I vote?' but politics is a machine.. something that you nor I will ever be able to affect.
:lol: 'We run this country..' Unless you're a wealthy (likely white, middle aged) person, you're not gonna be able to even have a chance at changing shit. The system gives them the power and we can't change that system unless we radically change the government which will never happen. If Al Gore or John Kerry were president, would we be in Iraq.. maybe, maybe not. But, without question, we'd still have the same number of problems to bitch about, the same parties bitching at each other.

Try it out.. avoid reading politics until after the election is over. You'll notice that you wouldn't have affected anything and in all likelihood will have been a little less stressed out.

I don't think Barack, Rudy, Hillary, John Edwards or any of the front runners are particularly good candidates but the people that waste their time pumping Ron Paul? Good god.. if they spent the same time building a matchstick house, they'd have accomplished more and gotten more results in the same time.

Oh I understand the point 'I'm just one guy, why does it matter if I vote?' but politics is a machine.. something that you nor I will ever be able to affect.

You obviously lack understanding of how our government works. The ability to vote has nothing to do with your race, age, income level, or any of the other things you mentioned.
You don't pay attention to your weight? What are you, a fucking sumo? You have no interest in trying to steer your health in the right direction?

Complacent people who can't even be bothered to eat less,exercise, or pay attention to their health are a major problem. How can you go through life not giving a shit about your weight which affects every single thing you do?

The correct answer here is Guliani.

Ron Paul will run a valiant campaign and eventually get to a grand total of 4% of the vote while Romney, McCain, Thompson etc. will be similarly run over in a closer race for the primary.

The Democrats will unwisely put forward Hillary/Obama/Edwards as their candidate of choice to face Guliani. Unfortunately he/she didn't have the support of the men/racists/everyone and lost to our great 9/11 savior Guliani.

The country will then be run similar to how it is now with a slightly more intelligible foreign policy and more diplomatic approach.
The majority of the United States thinks Rudy G. is a fucking moron. He will not even get the nomination, let alone the presidency.
What I want to know is why does everyone think Hillary is going to win?

I've yet to see anyone on this board or in real life say they're going to vote for her.
You don't pay attention to your weight? What are you, a fucking sumo? You have no interest in trying to steer your health in the right direction?

Complacent people who can't even be bothered to eat less,exercise, or pay attention to their health are a major problem. How can you go through life not giving a shit about your weight which affects every single thing you do?

:rofl: I fucking love this guy!
Guys, how I come I only see one clinton at the end of that list??? Here's to eight more years of clinton! :cheers:
See, you guys are talking about lobbyists and all this shit that happens AFTER the politician has already been elected. If the American public stood united and decided they weren't going to tolerate any more corruption, the lobbyist bullshit, or put up with any of the other lying, cheating, taxing, and bullshit that comes out of the government, things would be fixed in a real hurry.

Worthless crook politicians can't get elected unless we elect them.
That's why you elect someone who is interested in reforming all the lobby crap.

I think the system sucks, and it could be a lot better. But just giving up and letting things slowly get worse and worse isn't really an option.