When white trash discusses mattress disposal


Whiny Bitch
Veteran XX

Orange shirt guy and his common law wife (taking the video) disposed of a mattress in a public alley dumpster. Team Shirtless threw the mattress back on Orange Shirt's property. Orange Shirt puts it back in the dumpster. Team Shirtless threw it back on Orange Shirt's property. Argument ensues, weapons are drawn.

No word on what happened to the mattress.
Man, if only there was some kind of organization that people could contant when they need to settle disagreements...
this is what happens when you have a society that glorifies psychopaths and attacks honest truth

lets hope those somethingawful forum posters all go to prison forever or get executed themselves
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Watched without audio. I'm sure it's even more ridiculous if I listened. Simply incredible.
This can be used anytime for anything joyful.

The hand on his hip like he showed the guy is what sells it. Smug lil shit.
Man it would've been SOOOO fuckin sweet if orange dude and his girl also had guns.
So who's wrong here is the guy supposed to put it in the common dumpster or not? I haven't watched the video yet not sure I want to see idiots kill each other.
So who's wrong here is the guy supposed to put it in the common dumpster or not? I haven't watched the video yet not sure I want to see idiots kill each other.
Everyone's wrong for not having called the police 10 minutes before the video starts rolling.