when russia invades ukraine

everyone's first priority should be getting the fighting to stop, not to escalate it.

At least we agree on this.

I guess we just disagree on the way to do this is not letting ukraine and it's citizens get steamrolled and bombed to shit for it.

You're snookering yourselves by thinking of Putin as a genocidal insane man. This only leads us down one path.

Yeah that speech regarding Ukraine being ruled by "drug addicted neo-nazis" came across as coming from someone who's in a perfectly sane state.
that's when they turn to putin and lets start guzzling from the source

putin stronk, he clear nazi's from ukraine
At least we agree on this.

I guess we just disagree on the way to do this is not letting ukraine and it's citizens get steamrolled and bombed to shit for it.

Yeah that speech regarding Ukraine being ruled by "drug addicted neo-nazis" came across as coming from someone who's in a perfectly sane state.

What he says to Russian people is the same tactic other leaders use to sell war to their populations. Saddam had nukes, remember?

It's not "insane" it's fucking propaganda.
what if this is trumps plan to get russia and ukraine to "fight" so we supply ukraine with all this shit then russia and ukraine were allies this whole time and all come after the US..

At least we agree on this.

I guess we just disagree on the way to do this is not letting ukraine and it's citizens get steamrolled and bombed to shit for it.
righton so i thought the adults were back in charge. peace talks peace talks peace talks gogogo
Yeah that speech regarding Ukraine being ruled by "drug addicted neo-nazis" came across as coming from someone who's in a perfectly sane state.
youre obviously right, but the canadian prime minister just called a bunch of people having a tailgate party neo nazis and used martial law to deal with the parking enforcement issue.
all these governments are getting more and more insane
I think constantly being prompted to have deeply held convictions or opinions for distant, uncertain events as they unfold is probably just bad for your brain and only really helps accelerate the societal dementia that is culture war
imagine watching this debacle unfold and thinking putin was perfectly sane for sending his economy over a cliff for a boondoggle
What he says to Russian people is the same tactic other leaders use to sell war to their populations. Saddam had nukes, remember?

It's not "insane" it's fucking propaganda.
ive asked a few people this weekend how would you compare/contrast the invasion of iraq with the invasion of ukraine and you can see smoke come out of their ears
amram went from not believing this was gonna happen to it's perfectly sane to invade in less than a week
What he says to Russian people is the same tactic other leaders use to sell war to their populations. Saddam had nukes, remember?

It's not "insane" it's fucking propaganda.

Look I'm not saying that every bit of information coming out of Ukraine is legit either. I know very well both sides are playing the propaganda game. I guess we can all agree on the fact that the fighting has been going a bit too well for the people of Ukraine so far. I'm really hoping they'll keep it up if it's all true, but I'm afraid there's a big chance they're losing big time in the upcoming days. Then again I don't know much about how this shit unfolds in general.

That being said Russia (and the way its leadership) has been behaving over the past decades has been horrifying to see. Total shutdown of any opposition: marking oppositional parties as terrorist organizations, jailing Navalny (and others) after poisoning him and others in the past, supporting Lukashenko who's has been doing exactly the same, removing its people's rights to demonstrate etc. There is no democracy there. It's Putin and his inner circle sucking the country dry and fucking over its citizens. It's not strange for European citizens not to want these types of regimes to expand, right? It's not weird that we're all not just idly going to sit by and let it go down, right?

I'm not saying I want this to escalate to a total war, because it would be devastating. It already is for the people of Ukraine. But they want to join the EU, they want to join NATO as a bunch of other countries have been pushed over the brink due to Russia's behavior now. Should we just let the criminals running Russia bully them into not doing this?
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i truly truly hope, people take more care in selecting state officials.

after covid, after this invasion...look at who are making these decisions? Trump? Biden? Kamala? Trudeau? Macron? Johnson?

we all elected buffoons and we're wondering why the world is falling apart. can you imagine having the fate of the planet in trump and putins hands? just kill me now
is pagy having a midlife crisis

putin has been in charge of russian nukes for more than 20 years

poor guy i think the convoy really got to him
No you haven't. You're just making shit up.
it was my bday on sunday mitch i had more exhausting russia conversations this weekend than i'd want or care to admit.

then again most if not all people acknowledge this is a delicate situation with the more dire global consequences that could possibly exist.

the sinners need to stop throwing stones and talk. and sorry, sometimes you have to negotiate with a shitty person to avoid even shittier outcomes. because peace is worth talking to shitty people.