when russia invades ukraine

Any 15-year old knows (and perhaps 40% of American 15-year olds know) that Nazism/fascism are on the opposite end of the the political spectrum from socialism and communism. Donald Trump hinks they are all the same thing. I know he thinks this because millions of Americans elected a man that has never read a book, and gave him an eager audience for his stomach-churning voice. He's Tweeted and Truth-Socialed that sentiment a squizillion times.
Yeah, 15-year-olds do "know" that, just like kids of fundamentalist religious parents "know" god created everything and whatever biblical text they're reading is the right and accurate one.

The rest of us, however, know that Nazis were socialists, as they explicitly said and it was literally part of their name and stated purpose. The "fascists" from Italy were in also, in fact, socialists. Weird! And by defeating those socialists, we let the far more evil Commies take over half of Europe and the world. Definitely a good trade. lol

Kike Communists from CCCP, however, got other kikes to start calling Germany far-right so that they could differentiate their own evil from the "evil" Nazis. This propaganda worked perfectly on people who lack knowledge, history, or basic critical thinking, hence why you're repeating the lie now so confidently.

p.s. Ironically, it was a Nazi that uttered the famous line about repeating a lie enough and it becomes the truth.
is that what you're trying to do by insisting Nazis were left wing and Trump is 6 foot? :D don't think anyone is buying it dude
Well, you can lead a horse to water.

If you want to be anti-facts your whole life, it's your prerogative.
Well, Validuz is right that the nazis were socialists, but that meant "socialism for our own" while being perfectly fine with ethnically cleansing European societies. Left and right can be seen in multiple dimensions. Where good ol' Validuz is wrong is when he reduces "left" and "right" as just being a metric for the proposed amount of redistribution of welfare in a society. There are multiple mechanisms within a society on which views could score "left" or "right" - look at climate for instance. However, extreme right on a broader scale is mostly associated with wanting to create an ethnostate. A group could easily create an ethnostate where you kill off any ethnicity that deviates from the "norm" but still be very generous towards the ingroup: i.e. the nazis. But no worries: both the nazis and the CCCP implemented authoritarianism.

Kike Communists from CCCP, however, got other kikes to start calling Germany far-right so that they could differentiate their own evil from the "evil" Nazis. This propaganda worked perfectly on people who lack knowledge, history, or basic critical thinking, hence why you're repeating the lie now so confidently.

p.s. Ironically, it was a Nazi that uttered the famous line about repeating a lie enough and it becomes the truth.

This is hilarious because Validuz is practically talking about himself. Except for the lie coming from..

The extreme right. :lol:
Well, Validuz is right that the nazis were socialists, but that meant "socialism for our own" while being perfectly fine with ethnically cleansing European societies. Left and right can be seen in multiple dimensions. Where good ol' Validuz is wrong is when he reduces "left" and "right" as just being a metric for the proposed amount of redistribution of welfare in a society. There are multiple mechanisms within a society on which views could score "left" or "right" - look at climate for instance. However, extreme right on a broader scale is mostly associated with wanting to create an ethnostate. A group could easily create an ethnostate where you kill off any ethnicity that deviates from the "norm" but still be very generous towards the ingroup: i.e. the nazis. But no worries: both the nazis and the CCCP implemented authoritarianism.

This is hilarious because Validuz is practically talking about himself. Except for the lie coming from..

The extreme right. :lol:
Eurofag that literally doesn't have a single small-government country anywhere within thousands of miles of him is trying to tell me what far-right is.

Let me break down and simplify your idiotic point, like many retards before you:

"Racism means far-right!"

That's pretty much it. Your entire political compass is based off of racism. You claim you can see it in "multiple dimensions," but then only offer the one thing that you've been brainwashed to repeat ad nauseam: "oy vey, das dah racism!"

When in reality, Socialist/Communist countries are wildly racist too. You think racist or ethnic supremacy doesn't cross political boundaries? :lol: Read a fucking book.

I tell you what. If you can tell me the one true differentiating factor in any government-- that single element which is universal to the populace suffering, then you're worthy of a discussion.
When in reality, Socialist/Communist countries are wildly racist too. You think racist or ethnic supremacy doesn't cross political boundaries? :lol: Read a fucking book.

I'm a sociologist and a political scientist. I've spent years reading books on society, statehood, ethnicity and culture, labor and organization, and whatever related topics. That's why it's so funny a SAIL graduate who gets his info from Stormfront is trying to lecture me about it. A forum like this is the only place where you kind of get to claim all the nonsense you're spewing daily. In any other place, you'll just be laughed at.

I guess you're really that stupid that "the left can't be racist" is what you take away from what I've written. Racism is everywhere. I never said it wasn't. Russians are racist as fuck, but also pride themselves on being a very diverse nation. They've never explicitly had a goal of creating a white ethnostate even though they've created a state where the white Muscovian Russian generally lives a better life than Russians of other ethnicities. You see that in the quality of living, but can also see it in for instance what the cannon fodder at the front in Ukraine is mostly comprised of. I also stated that both the Russians and the Germans engaged in authoritarianism which kind of implied that I think there are striking similarities between the two regimes during their times. Then again it's obvious you don't know that much about Russia and aren't willing to learn anything new if it doesn't correlate with your brainwashed perspective.

Anyway, tell us some more about SAIL University its critically acclaimed courses on how the Jews are ruining everything, everywhere, always.
I'm a sociologist and a political scientist.
You are absolutely nothing. You're a drugged, half-fem, half-boy euro reject. You were brainwashed in college and have no ability to think for yourself. This is evident by the fact that you think some sort of retard-capable credentials of graduating college in Europe or America is some grand achievement.

I asked you a simple question and you couldn't answer it. So much for all of your premier education. :lol:

"Nazis were far-right cuz racism."