when mitt romney speaks it makes me vomit a little in my mouth...

Hrm.... what could have began in the 1970s to vastly increase productivity? What you are seeing is the effect of computers. Should I be paid more because I can do my job more easily, and therefore get more work done?

Mgt sure did, so why shouldn't the worker, not like they kept anything else in check due to it.

Oh and look up when income tables became skewed...same time, imagine...
Yeah it depends if you want to promote a strong middle class or decimate it. Why should meat packers and auto workers be able to afford a house? Well, we fixed that problem!
I have absolutely no doubt that management told themselves the very same thing that Musashi does for why his pay doesn't keep up with mgt.

They deserve it and he doesn't... technological advancements should only benefit management after all, given the money disparity they'll be the only ones who can afford it...
Yeah it depends if you want to promote a strong middle class or decimate it. Why should meat packers and auto workers be able to afford a house? Well, we fixed that problem!

And the Fed fixed it even more.. No income? Have a house! We are required to make loans to people who normally would not have qualified.
And the Fed fixed it even more.. No income? Have a house! We are required to make loans to people who normally would not have qualified.

There's another lie, they are not REQUIRED to make a loan.

That is a myth.

They are required to treat them as though blind, if 2 applicants qualify, all things being equal far as the loan applications goes but one is black and one is white, they can't green light one and turned down the other due to their skin color...

Hrm.... what could have began in the 1970s to vastly increase productivity? What you are seeing is the effect of computers. Should I be paid more because I can do my job more easily, and therefore get more work done?

That graph doesn't show any "vast increase" in productivity in the '70s. You're totally just making shit up.
And the Fed fixed it even more.. No income? Have a house! We are required to make loans to people who normally would not have qualified.

just as another aside to this post, it wasn't the lower incomes that led foreclosures but the middle class. Probably doing what so many did, buying a house they could barely afford in hopes of selling it for a profit.

I knew a couple, the wife was my daughter's Big Sister, who bought as large a home as they could afford, barely had any furniture in it and couldn't afford to buy any (he was the mgr of a Kroger store at the time) she was also full time employed, no children... pre "DINK" acronym.

Though given the time involved they likely weren't effected since it was a few decades ago now.
My daughter and her husband got caught up in it.

They extended themselves buying their home and 2 rental properties to the tune of about $800k. (a decision she disagreed with but husband decided after listening to her mom and her 3rd husband)

However it wasn't the economy that got them (it was located on one of the busiest streets in Bloomington) it was when the former business next door got sold to a homeless shelter group. None of the students wanted to rent it after that so it sat empty for 3 of 5 years and that mortgage just ate them up.
Obama spent a ton more, and the stats back it up. But this is why it doesn't matter who wins.
Didn't someone demonstrate with CBO data that spending has only gone up 1 something percent a year under Obama? The lowest increase in a long fucking time?

The problem was pretty convincingly attributed to the fact that tax revenues fell through the floor due to the recession.
Didn't someone demonstrate with CBO data that spending has only gone up 1 something percent a year under Obama? The lowest increase in a long fucking time?

The problem was pretty convincingly attributed to the fact that tax revenues fell through the floor due to the recession.

Shhh... you'll confuse them with facts.

Forbes even wrote an article on it.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes


btw, anyone else amused by Romeny's pick of TP favorite Ryan, who's a TP favorite for his budget plan and why he's such a fav for the teabaggers.... and the VERY FIRST THING Romney handlers do is to try and distance Romney from said budget plans.
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Shhh... you'll confuse them with facts.

Forbes even wrote an article on it.

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes


btw, anyone else amused by Romeny's pick of TP favorite Ryan, who's a TP favorite for his budget plan and why he's such a fav for the teabaggers.... and the VERY FIRST THING Romney handlers do is to try and distance Romney from said budget plans.

Did you know that the article you posted cites repayment of TARP bailout money as tax cuts, and if you completely remove all of the bailouts and pretend they didn't happen (and adjust for inflation) he's actually well above 8%?

Edit: Even if you factor in the bailouts properly, which this piece of shit doesn't, (did you knew that George Bush didn't sign on ANY of the bailouts because they were too expensive?) and adjust for inflation, he's still extremely high.

Also, did you know that having a political opinion on this issue rather than focusing on ways to fix the debt problem acknowledged by both sides is exactly what's wrong with America and why you shouldn't vote (ever) ?
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Did you know that the article you posted cites repayment of TARP bailout money as tax cuts, and if you completely remove all of the bailouts and pretend they didn't happen (and adjust for inflation) he's actually well above 8%?

Edit: Even if you factor in the bailouts properly, which this piece of shit doesn't, (did you knew that George Bush didn't sign on ANY of the bailouts because they were too expensive?) and adjust for inflation, he's still extremely high.

Also, did you know that having a political opinion on this issue rather than focusing on ways to fix the debt problem acknowledged by both sides is exactly what's wrong with America and why you shouldn't vote (ever) ?

Blame Forbes, I was never for a single bailout of anything.

Where/What are you referring to in the article cause I'm seemingly missing it.
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Blame Forbes, I was never for a single bailout of anything.

Where/What are you referring to in the article cause I'm seemingly missing it.

I wanna type up this long-winded shit about how how main-stream media (magazines, TV, radio, internet, etc) has ruined Americas ability to produce competent voters, but most people would likely laugh it off because they're so indoctrinated to the system that it wouldn't even matter.

I also wanted to post how I categorically refuse to post any sort of facts or figures or sources for my information, and that I don't expect you to believe anything I'm typing because you're going to have your opinion and it's not going to change. Let's face it, you're kind of old.

I also realize that it's going to be a cop-out too, because most people are going to say LOL LAGBAR MADE A BIG FUSS AND NOW WON'T BACK IT UP! but let's look at this logically:

I can post facts and figures directly from the IMF, World Bank, IRS, Federal Reserve, Congress, Etc and you could immediately post something that refutes it right away from the exact same source.

When you figure out how that's possible, let me know, and share that knowledge with those around you so we can actually start progressing as a species and don't die before the next stage of evolution when (hopefully) future hominid life will be able to function on a higher level of understanding than we do.

The gist of it is, none of any of this shit is important at all in any way to any of us as humans and we need to stop thinking about it and do other things with our time.

There is nobody to blame, it doesn't matter that somebody spent more or less money, and it's fucking shameful that of all the major issues plaguing America - let alone the world - that this even merits me getting drunk and telling you this.

This turned out as long as my original post but I think it's more cohesive.
I can't believe I just wasted this much time and effort on TW on a post.

Only because I like you, ya old bastard.
Yeah Obama is sooo different

Hawaiin black man that spent part of his life in a third world, went through harvard law to become a community organizer in chicago.


Hedge fund millionaire that came from a political family and is a member of a respectable cult.

I know who Im voting for.